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Natsu awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and the wind blowing the leaves around in the cool autumn's morning. It was a particularly peaceful morning. Happy was curled up on Natsu's chest, purring and shuffling around, trying to get into the right position. Natsu smiled fondly at his blue feline.

"Happy...happy wake up." He whispered into the exceed's ear. Happy groaned and lifted his head slightly, looking around the room tiredly.

"What time is it?" Natsu shrugged and picked up happy. He set him down on the wood floor boards and planted his feet on the floor and stood up, stretching as he did so. Scratching his back he look towards happy who stared at him with wide eyes. "N-Natsu..." Natsu started to panic.

"What?" Natsu asked as he made his way to the bathroom. The only reason he stopped though was because the top of the door frame hit his forehead. "Gah!" He backed up and held his forehead, feeling the sharp pain hitting his head caused. He started to feel a headache coming on. He always knew the door frame was a little short, but he always stepped through it just fine. Did it get shorter?

"I think you got taller, Natsu. Like...a lot taller." Natsu blinked a few times before looking towards the ground. It looked a lot far down than he was used too. His legs looked longer as well as his torso. His shoulders got broader and he feet and hands grew slightly in size as well. What the hell was going on with his body?

"We better go to the guild." Natsu said as he tried putting on his usual outfit. The only thing that fit was his scarf. He dug through his closet to look for anything to wear that fit. Anything! He ran a restless hand through his hair as anxiety started to creep up on him. He had no clothes and no way to get to the guild without being seen half naked. He cringed as he slightly turned to see a concerned happy.

"What're we going to do?" Natsu felt his eye twitch and he stood tall, extra tall.

"Happy, whose clothes do you think will fit me now? I want you to ask them if I can borrow something for the time being. Just hurry back as soon as possible so I can run to the guild and figure out what the hell is going on." Happy nodded and started from Natsu's feet and ran his eyes up to his head.

"You're not going to like who I say." Natsu pouted and crossed his arms.

"Who is it?"

"Gajeel" Natsu growled loudly and stomped around his house, not liking Happy's answer. The iron dragon slayer had a horrible sense of style, but he had no choice but to ask him for help. Gajeel would never let him live it down and he'd probably make Natsu owe him forever. But he had no choice.

"Gah, fine. Just tell him the truth and bring some of his clothes back quickly. I'm starting to get uncomfortable walking around with only boxers on." Happy giggled and sprug up his wings.

"Aye sir!" Happy flew out their window and used his max speed to fly to the guild. He made it there in record time and slammed open the door with a huff. "Gajeel! We need your help!" Gajeel looked up from his iron meal, startled by the blue cat's outburst. Everyone's attention was in the two of them by now. Gajeel coughed and stood up.

"What the hell is your deal? Interrupting my meal like this." Gajeel crossed his arms and made his way up to the desperate animal. "Who needs my help anyway?"

"It's Natsu! He needs to borrow some of your clothes." Gajeel deadpanned for a few seconds, giving happy a confused glare. Gajeel then seemed to realize the situation and he busted out laughing. Almost falling to the ground in the process. By now, everyone was confused. Lucy in particular ran up to Happy.

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