Love at first sight

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Natsu wasn't an entire believer in the notion of love at first sight. Attraction, sure, but love was just so much more complicated.

It couldn't have been captured in a phrase or an idea, as everyone loved who they loved in their own way. He didn't even know how he would fall in love with someone.

Maybe it would be how the way they laughed, the way they smiled and smelled, or the way they were so gosh darn irresistible to pay attention to.

But to experience that rush of excitement with just one look, well, Natsu thought that was beyond him. Or so he thought.

It wasn't like he doubted the concept, just that he didn't think it was the way he'd fall for someone. Character was much more important than looks in his mind, so he wasn't scoping for the hottest piece of ass on the streets. Loke would beg to differ when concerning this subject.

But when he saw her, just one look was enough to take his breath away.

They had crossed paths in the park while Natsu was out walking Happy. No leash, of course, since the cat wasn't the type to go too far away. They were walking and talking like usual, discussing what kind of fish they were going to get on their way home.

It was five seconds, maybe six. He turned a corner and their eyes locked, the scent of her soap wafting under his nose as the breeze tousled her hair.

He felt his heart thump, his stomach squeeze with an odd feeling, and the want to look back at her pounded in his head.

Natsu couldn't help himself. And it only proved to make him blush even more when she turned her head to look back at him too.

He was too embarrassed to stop and go back, leaving with the clear image of her own blush and half-smile she offered him.

That was a devastating mistake. He couldn't understand the absolute yearn he felt to see her again; he didn't even know her for goodness sake.

The whole way home and the lonely night afterward, he couldn't get a wink of sleep. He wanted to know her name, he wanted to make her smile again. And gosh, did he want to know what kind of soap she used.

Natsu wasn't accustomed to this desperate feeling in his heart, he actually disliked the desperation that clawed at him. He was unlike himself and felt a bit lost since he couldn't concentrate.

He was frustrated, restoring to the advice of his best friend, Juvia. She was the only one he knew who truly believed in love at first sight, ever since she met Gray when they were kids.

The bluenette was ecstatic to tell Natsu not to doubt what he felt, to just go along with the influence of his heart. Some things didn't need to make sense right away, especially when they were related to love.

He was uncomfortable with the idea she suggested, to go back to the park tomorrow in hopes of. seeing her again. Well, he was going to go, since he and Happy always took their morning walk in that park. But to go there with the ulterior motive to potentially follow a stranger around...

The blue cat was oblivious to Natsu's wandering eyes the next day, his gaze pointed towards the scattered flower petals that resided in small patches on the ground.

The pink-haired boy felt his lips twist and a huff of air pushed through his nose like a puff of smoke.

"Fuckin'...ugh..." He didn't like how squirmy he felt, or the impatience that refused to quell within him.

"Maybe we should go home a bit ear––" Natsu began to say as he turned to look down at his faithful companion, rolling his eyes with a light laugh as Happy was jumping around in the flower petals.

"Alright, buddy, just a bit longer then," He sighed with a smile, not noticing the little white dog running at full speed towards him.

"Plue, Plue! Would you––Would you please stop running?!" Natsu flinched as he felt something soft and hard run into his ankle, a sharp whine expelling from the little furball that came out of nowhere.

He quirked a brow at the dog turned on its side, dizzy and whimpering as his little paws twitched.

"...You alright there?" He asked, lifting up the tiny dog to make sure it was still somewhat conscious.

"I'm so so sorry, my puppy always manages gets out of his leash! He doesn't even look where he's going," The blonde whined, gingerly taking hold of her limp dog who began to wag his tail as she pat his head.

"Don't worry about it," Natsu said, shaking his head as he spoke through the lump caught in his throat. "I'm no worse for the wear, I just hope he didn't hit his head too hard."

"He's got a thick skull," She laughed and shook her head, Natsu's chest tightening at the sound. It was like a melody of light bells, a sound he'd surely never get tired of hearing. "Well, thank you for catching him. We should be on our way,"

"Ah, wait!" His hand shot out to grab her arm before he could register his movements, Natsu feeling his nerves fall apart as she turned to look at him.

"What is it?" She asked, a light blush dusting on her cheeks.

His face felt too hot for comfort as he worked up the courage to speak, to say something that wouldn't make him seem like a total fucking idiot.

"Do you...well, um...I think you're–you're really cute, so I was w-wonderin'–"

"I'm Lucy," She giggled, lifting her phone out of her back pocket. "I'd love to give you my number if that's what you were asking me for?"

"Y-Yeah...thanks..." He chuckled, trying to shake away the excess nervousness that sat in his bones. "Sorry, I don't really do this kind of thing,"

"I don't mind," She smiled softly. "It was really sweet of you to work up the courage like that. And if you're too nervous, I can make the first call?"

"I'll call ya, for sure," He grinned, swallowing the thick lump in his throat as she bat her eyes up at him.

"I'll be waiting then,"

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