In a rush of andrenaline

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"Ok last one! Ya got this, Luce!"

Lucy yelped as her character was thrown into battle with a rather large final boss on the screen. Natsu's character already taking charge and throwing attacks.

The two were enjoying some much needed destressing time. The last of their finals had just finished earlier in the day and they immediately headed for their apartment to crash. Waking much later to grab some junk food, turn on Netflix, and flop on the couch.

They had been in the middle of a show they hadn't really been watching when Natsu started grumbling on about how it was bugging him that her couldn't clear a final level on one of his games the other week. Lucy had jokingly said she could probably beat it, and of course that made Natsu light up and say they could team up and beat it together.

She couldn't say no to his wide toothy smile, that dimple on his cheek, and bright emerald eyes. Damn him.

Which is how she now had the controller in her hands in a death grip, eyes glued to the screen, and Natsu's enthusiasm radiating off him had her feeling just as eager to try and win this thing.

Several loud shouts, close calls, and combo attacks later, a final mega punch from Lucy's character depleted the last remaining health of the large beast and down it fell.

"Hell yeah!" Natsu jumped up, controller falling onto the couch.

Natsu quickly pulled Lucy up with him, a squeak of surprise escaping her as he wrapped her up in a tight twirling hug. "I knew you could do it, Luce! You're amazing!"

He set her back down and before she could even respond his lips were pressed against hers.

Lucy's breath hitched, her amber eyes wide. A soft gasp escaped her when he pulled away.

Natsu's own eyes widened, realizing what just happened. A pink flush quickly heating his cheeks.

"S-shit, I'm so sorry, Luce!" Natsu stepped back slightly, gaze dropping to the floor as he started running his hands through his messy hair.

"I-, uh, I was just so happy we won but-"


"But that was wrong of me and I totally understand if you're mad at me, ugh I'm such an idiot I'm sorry, Lucy I-"


Natsu's head snapped back up to her. Finding her soft gaze and a warm smile reflecting back at him.

"It's okay," she consoled.


"Yeah I-," Lucy started, her gaze fell to the side. Wringing her fingers together, with a bite to her bottom lip that immediately drew Natsu's attention, "I've actually been wanting you to do that for a while now."

Natsu's brows rose into his bangs, his lips parting slightly.

Lucy's gaze met his again, a fondness softening her expression as she stepped in a bit closer.

"I-I like you, Natsu. I have for a long time, but I didn't want to risk what we have and lose you if I told you before…"

Natsu's expression softened. He came up a bit closer, softly brushing away some loose strands from her eyes. "Luce, you could never lose me. I'll always be here, no matter what."

His hand came around to cup her cheek. "And I really like you too. I'm sorry the kiss was so sudden, I had planned to tell you and do it all differently but I couldn't help myself." Natsu said with a soft laugh.

"You did catch me off guard," Lucy giggled, her hands wrapping around his waist, "but it was perfect."

Natsu grinned that wide bright smile, "I don't know, I think I can do better."

Natsu pulled her flush against him, warm palms framing her face, thumbs brushing her skin softly.

"Can I kiss you again?" he murmured, slowly closing the distance between them.


The whisper barely escaped her lips before Natsu captured them with his. The kiss slow and tender.

Lucy sighed into him, grip tightening on the back of his shirt as his hand threaded through her hair. Tilting his head to deepen the kiss and swallowing more of her soft sounds.

Safe to say this kiss was going to be one to remember.

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