bestfriend sibling

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"Can you come early today?"

I sighed, brushing my fingers through my bangs that never seemed to look right, and fell back into my car seat.

"Why Wendy?" I asked into the phone.

Wendy was a girl I used to help tutor last year, she was a little younger than me and most of my friends, but I actually really clicked with her. She was always so nice and sweet to me, and I loved being around her, so I kept in touch. I visited her a lot, when I could through my college schedule and I helped her with her high school stuff and everything, it was nice to get away every once in a while from all the stress back on campus.

"I just really wanna see you, please Lucy?" She pleaded, and I could hear her pouting lips through the speaker.

I sighed again. Well, I wasn't doing anything else important. "Alright, I'm on my way."

As soon as I knocked on the door it flew open, with Wendy grinning widely in my face. "Okay, you're here, great!"

"What is going on?" I asked, stepping in with a look.

She closed the door and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the living room. She whipped around to me, her expression more serious than I've ever seen her.

"I have to clean up the whole house in less than two hours."

I felt my lips part. She called me over to come clean up her house?

"Wendy!" I growled.

"I'm sorry Lucy, I know, but I really need your help." She said sorrowfully, "My mom comes back at 4 and the house reallyneeds to be cleaned or else I'm dead."

I sighed for what? The fifth time today?

About a hour and a half later the entire first floor of her house was sparkling, if I can say smugly. We both dropped onto the couch, dead tired, staring at the blank TV. Wendy glanced to the clock on her phone and exhaled loudly.

"She should be here any minute."

"You so owe me." I groaned, pushing myself off the couch.

"I know I know, where are you going?" She asked.


I headed back towards the kitchen and went into the small restroom. I got a glance at myself in the mirror and groaned. Jesus, Wendy wore me out. My sweats were dirty with dust and my hair tied up messily, strands everywhere like I just woke up from a three year nap.

I heard a door slam shut and voices shouting of glee, I'm assuming Grandeeney came home. I don't know why it was such a big deal that the needed to be cleaned today, right at this moment. I walked out, brushing back my stupid bangs again and came into the living room, stopping on my toes.


"Oh Lucy! I didn't know you were here!" Grandeeney laughed.

Wendy smiled at me as well, currently being hugged by thecutest human being I had ever seen in my life before.

"You remember Natsu right? My big brother?" Wendy said, said man studying me at the current moment.

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