Not in front of Nashi

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Lucy took the blanket from the picnic hamper and spread it over where the grass was thickest. It was a beautiful day; sun shining, breezes cool and nothing but time to enjoy. Nashi was busy baiting her hook and Happy and Natsu were already fishing.

Lucy put her free time into writing. Her pen scratched along at a fast pace on her manuscript as her family fished. More like played at fishing. Happy was the only one intent on catching food. Natsu was teaming up with Nashi. She kept asking Happy lots of questions about fish. When he got into the zone talking about his favourite thing in the world, he was oblivious to everything else. Natsu stole Happy's worms and set them free when the exceed wasn't looking.

Things carried on this way for hours. When it was time for lunch, they marched on over to where Lucy was guarding the food.

"Yo! I'm hungry!" Natsu said, "We didn't get any fish, so I hope there's lots of food!"

"Mama, I almost got a fish!"

Happy landed hard on the corner of the blanket. "I had the worst luck ever!"

"Well, I did make you a special tuna sandwich Happy." Lucy held it out to him and smiled when he snatched it and began eating. "And for my two favourites, I have a giant platter of fire chicken!" She set down the plate roiling with flames. Father and daughter smiled identical fang-tipped smiles and dug into the food.

Mumbled thanks were the extent of conversation as everyone tucked into their food. And just like that, everything was polished off, only crumbs and bones were left.

Natsu piled the empty containers back into the hamper before pulling out a set of pillows and an afghan from another bag. "Nap time for Nashi."

"I'm not tired." She pouted, her little face scrunched up as she took a deep breath and let out a terrific yawn.

"Uh huh, you're not sleepy. Especially since I know Happy was telling you stories waaaay past your bedtime." Lucy patted Nashi fondly on top of her pink spiky locks. "Mommy and Daddy are going to have a nap too."

"Yeah, Mommy kept me up all night with her snoring, so I really need this nap." Natsu fended off a pillow attack with a forearm. "If you don't sleep now, how will you have energy to play with your friends tonight at the guild?"

"But I'm not tired! I wanna play."

Lucy grinned. "Mommy knows the best game. Do you want to be on my team?" She shot a victorious look at her husband. This would pay him back and then some for the crack about her snoring.

Nashi wriggled like a puppy. "Yes!" She made a little fist and punched in excitement. "We're gonna win!"

"I might be too full," Natsu backed away from his now predatory wife and child. "Show me mercy!" He fell over as they tackled him and began tickling his ribs and armpits. Natsu thrashed and giggled, taking care not to roll around too much.

Nashi redoubled her efforts, laughing until her ribs hurt. Her wild giggles making both of her parents smile. Finally tired out, she let Natsu pick her up and tuck her under the blanket.

"Me an' Mommy won …" She mumbled as she began dreaming.

Lucy smirked at her husband. "Yes we did."

"Pfft, no fair. Two against one?" Natsu opened his arms to Lucy and rolled with her on the blanket away from Nashi. He whispered against her neck. "I'll pay you back for this tonight."

"Fine, Natsu, tonight you can tickle me." Lucy giggled.

"Is that what we're calling it now?"

Natsu only grinned as Lucy elbowed him and hissed, "Not in front of Nashi."

They both blushed and gulped as the fourth member of their family spoke up. "And not in front of Happy either!"

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