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Natsu ran a hand through his messy locks, a long yawn past his lips as he walked down the hallway from their bedroom into the kitchen.

Expression softening with a warm smile when he spotted Lucy swaying her hips to some music she put on as she was in the process of putting some pancakes together. Looking gorgeous as ever in on of his overlarge shirts, gold locks in a messy bun. The morning glow making her shine even brighter in his eyes.

Natsu walked up behind her, firm arms circling around her waist, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck.

"Hey, you," Lucy hummed in content, melting back into his embrace.

"Morning', beautiful."

Natsu's trailed his lips further along her neck, placing another kiss to the soft spot behind her ear. Smirking into her skin at the hitch in her breath.

A sudden loud rumbling of his stomach caused her to giggle, turning around in his arms and kissing the sheepish smile on his lips.

"Don't worry, breakfast is almost ready," she grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Mmm, you always know the way to my heart, Luce." An amused glint in his eye.

"The way to your stomach more like," Lucy teased.

Natsu gave a rumbling laugh, grin turning into a crooked smirk that always did fluttering things to her heart.

"Oh, think you're funny do we?" Natsu rasped, leaning back against the island counter and pulling her closer to him. Lucy only giggled again in return.

"We'll let's just see about that," he said before tightening an arm around her, making her yelp in surprise when the other started tickling her sides.

"N-natsu!" Barely able to get his name past her squeals of laughter, pushes to his chest falling weak against his strong hold.

Natsu eventually relented his attack on her sensitive sides, his own laughter rumbling through his chest as she slumped against him, head resting against the crook of his neck as she heaved to try and catch her breath.

His hand came up to rub her back soothingly, hearing her mumble something into his shirt.

"Hm? Didn't quite catch that, luushhii."

Lucy brought her head back up to look at him, tired amused grin on arms curling around his waist to hold her steady.

"I just- I'm breathless okay. It happens whenever I'm with you."

Natsu gave her a wide toothy grin, brushing back her messy bangs and fallen strands from her face.

"I can say the same thing about you, Luce." Natsu's hands coming up to cup her face, "Always take my breath away."

Lucy breathed another bright giggle, "When did you get so sappy?"

Natsu's grinned wider, "What can I say, ya just bring it out in me, Ms. Heartfilia."

He brought her flush against him, expression softening. "Well guess it will be Mrs. Dragneel soon," he whispered between them before capturing her lips with his for a slow kiss. Natsu felt her smile into the kiss before melting into him with soft sounds.

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