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"Welcome to Domestic Flight Number: AC8353, now preparing for take-off. Our destination today is the magnificent city of Crocus. We will be traveling at a cruising height of …."

Natsu tuned the captain out as he fidgeted with his seatbelt again, ensuring that it was tight. Not that it mattered. If the plane crashed, a seatbelt would hardly save him. He clenched his eyes shut, desperately chastising himself for being ridiculous. The plane wasn't going to crash. Nothing bad was going to happen. No birds were going to get sucked into the engine, causing total engine failure and a ginormous fiery explosion mid-air, nor would he have to count the seconds before his imminent death as the airplane spiraled for the treacherous mountain pass below - or worse - the open ocean...where ravenous sharks would devour the passengers, both dead and those 'fortunate' enough to survive the initial plane crash.

He was shaking, he noticed as he wiped his brow for the third time. That, and he couldn't breathe. He truly despised flying, or any other moving vehicle for that matter. Honestly, he'd never even been on an airplane before, but his friends had balked at the idea of walking the 600 km to Crocus. To make matters worse, the other men going to the bachelor party all had seats away from him...quite purposely he might add. Nobody wanted to deal with Natsu's imminent motion sickness or crippling paranoia. He was on his own until they arrived in Crocus. At that time, he would magically transform into the life of the party. It was just getting there that was the problem.

Checking his seatbelt once more, he turned, slamming the window shade down. The last thing he needed to was to be able to see how high up the plane went. He really did not want to watch the landscape spiralling closer in the setting of a crash, much preferring to die ignorantly and never see it coming.

"Hi," a friendly voice greeted as someone opened the compartment above his head.

That was another thing. If the plane crashed, everything above would become projectiles. Why didn't the airlines provide helmets? Didn't that just make sense?

Natsu could barely acknowledge her. The plane hadn't even taken off yet and he was already heading for a panic attack.

"Let me get that for you," she offered, reaching down to grab his carryon, "It's a bit too big to be at your feet."

She stuffed his bag inside, securing the chamber with a click. At least that compartment was secure. He glanced nervously at the one across the aisle from him, drawing concerned looks from the passengers there.

"I'm Lucy," the gentle voice told him, "I'm a stewardess with this airline. A little bird told me you're not doing so well."

Natsu looked up, glancing across the aisle to where Jellal waved at him, then resumed his conversation with Loke.

"I'm going to be sick," he groaned, "I can't do this. I need to get off this plane. Now."

"You'll be okay," Lucy's soothing voice assured him, "I'm going to sit with you and help you."

There was a rumble, then a low whirring sound.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Natsu bolted upright, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the armrests on either side of his seat.

She placed a gentle hand overtop of his, stroking his palm gently.

"It's just the engines starting up," Lucy told him, "It's going to be fine. I promise. Now let's see if we can get you to relax a bit. Sit back in your seat. The steward is going to explain the safety procedures."

Natsu remained rigid, calculating his escape route. If he got off the plane now, he would miss Gajeel's bachelor party in Crocus, but he'd still be alive for the wedding...which would be in Magnolia...within walking distance of his house. He reached for his seatbelt, freezing as Lucy's hand squeezed his. Something about her warmth stilled him, easing him into compliance.

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