Welcome home

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Delicate blush curtains danced gently in the warm evening breeze. Outside, the city had drifted off to sleep, and the ambient hush of nighttime drifted in through the open window, a welcome lullaby. Lucy had just begun to fade to the world when a new sound joined that subtle melody, one that she recognized right away. This series of soft grunts were her only warning before Natsu finished climbing through the window and tumbled into bed with her.

“N-Natsu!” she exclaimed quietly as she shifted to the side to accommodate a new body in her bed. She immediately felt the heat radiate off him, an altogether pleasant sensation.

He moaned tiredly as soon as his head hit the pillow and mumbled, “Hi, Lucy…”

Eyes well-adjusted to the night, and with the full moon embracing them in its mild glow, Lucy leaned forward to inspect the dragon slayer. Dirt and faint traces of blood peppered his sweaty face, his pink locks lay in disarray, and he could barely keep his eyes open. Natsu turned his nose into the pillow for a moment and seemed to breath in its scent, his body releasing a layer of tension as he exhaled.

Lucy breathed out a soft sigh and smiled. “Wait here a sec,” she whispered and slid out from under the covers. One quick journey to the bathroom later, she returned with a damp washcloth, laid back down, and sidled up to face him. His eyes were closed, but he was still awake. Lucy reached forward and began to tenderly wipe the day’s grime from his face, starting on his forehead and slowly working down. Tension evaporated from his body with every moment of her touch. She continued to work as his jaw went slack and his breathing became inaudible. By the time she gently ran the cloth over his lips, she was sure he had fallen asleep, but at that moment his hand lifted, his fingers finding her arm. Natsu drowsily stroked her skin with a smile hinting at the corners of his mouth.

Joy flooded Lucy’s chest. She marveled at the idea that she ever saw her bed as anything but empty without him laying there next to her. The celestial wizard tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned forward, pressing a kiss against his cheek. It was so, so warm. She let her lips linger there for a long moment before whispering in his ear:

“Welcome home.”

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