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Okay so basically i got this idea after i watch the episode where they the mole.

And i think it is really funny lol.

Team natsu attempting to disguise as Team shadow gear on a mission to get a key for lucy.


"This one." Lucy slapped a page onto the table and glared, daring anyone to defy her.

Everyone had their own page ripped off the job board, and they were all prepared to fight for it.

"Who cares about sorting through some dusty old magic books?" Natsu asked. "It would be way cooler to–"

"The reward is a key," Lucy interrupted.

And that was that. Everyone deflated, knowing defeat when they saw it. Lucy gave a charming smile and ushered them out to the train station.


They were halfway to the town of Ashwood before someone recognized the name.

"Isn't that the town that banned us from ever coming back?" Happy asked, squinting at the notice.

"Which one?" asked Gray.

"A couple months ago? We, like, destroyed a neighborhood and broke a water main so that everything flooded? I don't remember how, exactly. Or how we got anywhere near a water main."

"Oh. Yeah." Gray looked a little sheepish. "I might've accidentally frozen all the water and exploded the pipe. But to be fair, Erza also hit it with like twenty swords and Natsu was already burning the place down."

Erza's eyes lit up. "Mayor Jigglypuff! I remember. Yeah, he told us to never set foot in his town again."

"Was that his actual name?"

"Great," said Natsu. "Let's forget them and their stupid books, then. We can go do a fun job instead!"

Lucy cast a baleful gaze over them all. "The reward is a key," she said again.


"You had better make a convincing apology."

Natsu and Gray exchanged almost identical looks of disgust.

"I have a better idea," Erza said. There was a gleam to her eyes that sent a shiver through the group. "Let's go incognito."


"This is a terrible idea," Gray said, attempting to step forward and nearly face-planting. He waddled another few steps, with some difficulty. The pillows stuffed underneath a new set of oversized clothes greatly restricted his movement. His head looked tiny in comparison.

"The reward is a key," said Lucy. "You'd better make it work."

With the help of a blue wig, she had been transformed into Levy. She was the obvious choice, being the most similar in stature and most familiar with her mannerisms. The only problem was the chest. Her attempts to wrap it a bit…flatter had met with some success, but the overall effect didn't look quite right.

Not as bad as Erza, though, who had set her heart on being Jet so that she didn't have to wear the pillow fat-suit. Even with her hair stuffed under a wig, she didn't look terribly masculine. Neither did her chest.

But this had been her grand plan, and now she glared at the person who had dared defy it.

"Excuse me?" she said.

"I'm just saying, we hardly look like them," Gray complained, gesturing awkwardly to himself. Natsu snickered as his rival struggled to lift his puffy arm. He bulged in all the wrong places.

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