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It was after a long hard mission when Lucy found out about Natsu's hidden talent. Natsu and Lucy had gone out on what they assumed to be a simple mission when they ran into an underground dark guild. Natsu being Natsu, he'd insisted upon destroying the guild and the town along with it. Lucy had been captured by the master of the guild and gravely injured by the time she could fight back.

"Hehehe…" The thin sickly man chuckled. He had Lucy tied down to a table and he was bringing out many different torture devices from his cloak.

"Little girl…soon your friend will be dead, and you will become mine." The man drooled. Lucy scoffed. She was waiting for him to get distracted by something to make her move, or for Natsu to come charging in as always.

"If you think Natsu is going to be defeated by your scum of a guild, you're way wrong." Lucy spat. Hidden in her belt was a small thin razor sharp whip, and Lucy was slowly inching her hand closer and closer to it.

"Ohoho? Really? Sorry miss, but you doubt the shadow guild, Zero Survivors!" The man cackled.

"Is that really the best name you could come up with? Come on." Lucy rolled her eyes. Her fingers were inches away from reaching the whip.

"The name might be a little rough around the edges, but that doesn't make us any less menacing!" The man turned to face Lucy with a long sharp jagged dagger. Lucy gulped. Even though she was sure she could easily beat this guy, without her keys and being tied down to a table wasn't helping her confidence. She glared at the man and growled insults.

"I really don't think you're in a position to be saying such rude things. I wonder if you will last longer than the others. Such a pity they weren't good toys to die before I was finished." The man grinned as he stroked the blade in his hands. Lucy's hands trembled, but she didn't want to show fear in front of this psychopath. Her fingers brushed against the smooth leather of her belt, and Lucy felt around for the slit where her whip was hidden. Lucy held in her sound of relief when she finally reached the hiding place for her weapon. Sadly, she was a moment too late to avoid injury.

Lucy screamed as the man sliced down her torso, cutting her clothes and skin. The wound wasn't the worst thing Lucy had endured, however, and she was able to push past the pain and grab the whip from her belt.

"Never doubt a Fairy Tail wizard!" Lucy screamed as she swung the whip around to cut her bonds. With a twist of her wrist, Lucy disarmed the wizard and bound him with her whip. Lucy hissed and held her stomach, where the cut was deepest. Panting, Lucy grabbed her keys and celestial whip. Lucy ripped her shirt to wrap her stomach to try and stop the bleeding, but left some of the slice uncovered.

"WAAAH! Fire Dragon's Roar!" A voice bellowed. Lucy heard screams and felt the heat from Natsu's fire from behind the door. Sighing in relief, Lucy opened the door to face Natsu, who was beating on an already unconscious wizard.

"Where's Lucy!" He was screaming.

"Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed. Natsu's head turned towards his partner's voice, and he smiled.

"Yo! I think I finished off this dark guild! D'ya think we can get more reward money for this?" He asked as he started walking towards her.

"Only if you didn't destroy the town this time. I have the master tied up in-" Lucy choked. Pain filled her thoughts and she fell to her knees, coughing up blood. Sticking out of her back was a fading black magical spear. Natsu screamed at Lucy and ran to catch her.

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