Don't look

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Little Nalu Brainworm I got After Watching a Scene From the Movie “Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs.”

“Just keep running and don’t look back!”

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“Just keep running and don’t look back!”

Lucy didn’t move, hesitation slowed her steps as the small, clawed hand of her best friend tightened in her grip. “Are you telling me to leave you? I can’t do that!”

Her lungs burned from exertion, breath and words escaping in bursts as Lucy struggled to breathe. Her friend stood beside her, short and stubby. Their escape from the woods was more daunting to his small frame than her own. How was an imp covered in scales supposed to run the length of terrain her long legs could? Lucy gasped in the precious air her lungs needed and dug her heels into the ground.

“No way, Natsu,” She said, “We’re a team remember? That means we stick tog-thack!” Natsu was surprisingly strong despite his size, twisting her body to face away from him as he shoved her forward.

“Lucy!” He bit out, hissing just behind her, “I can’t fight these things if I’m worried about you! I’ll be fine, but you’ve GOT to keep running!”

She tried to turn again, but the warning growl he gave confused her. The imp she’d been traveling with was a short, scaled man with pink hair and horns. So many teased his stature as it barely reached above her knees. Yet, somehow, in that precise moment, Lucy was certain his voice came from just above her shoulders. How did he- She tried to turn again.

His biting roar made her heart jump, “I said DON’T LOOK at me!” The ground was shaking now, their colossal pursuer catching up with powerful steps through the treeline. Every step felt like a mini quake, shaking the ground, vibrating up her legs.

How could Natsu expect her to run? Except her to leave him behind? She looked for a place to hide. An alcove in the nearby cliffs, bushes, anything that could disguise them! He was so small, so capable, but that didn’t amount to much when your body was the size of a child!  The trees rustled as the beast broke free of the treeline, Lucy bit back a terrified scream. They had to run. Now. They didn’t have time for this!

“Natsu, we have to go!”

He didn’t budge, but his grip tightened and much like the change of his voice, his hand felt larger, less hard like stone and warm like proper skin. “Do you trust me?”

What? He was asking her this now? “Of course I do, but we don’t have the time to-”

His voice was low, spoken behind her head and a chill ran down her spine: Danger, but not from the stone behemoth fast approaching. “If you trust me, then listen and run. I’ll find you as soon as this bastard is gone!”

“But-,” Lucy tried again, helplessly, feeling her resolve break as his presence felt somehow bigger than before, but that was silly right?

“Just GO!” He roared, voice echoing through the air, “I promise I’ll come back for you, but I need you to go!”

Lucy ran, just as the beast’s steps made her stumble with every vibration that shook across the ground. Tears stung at her eyes as helpless frustration and adrenaline fueled her. She couldn’t help. Not this time. She was only human and a towering beast of stone intent to crush her was too much for her. For anyone! Why did she listen? The steps slowed, the rumblings came to a halt and a loud roar of challenge and heat washed against her back. She almost turned back, but spotted a small outcropping in the cliffs. A place to go!

“Natsu, I -”

Lucy didn’t turn around- noticing for the first time, the shadows just before her. Her own, and and… the broad shoulders of a tall man, wings unfurled behind his shoulders.

“Whatever you do- “ Natsu shouted, fire and flames shooting sky high, enough for to cover the clouds above her. She skidded into the alcove and pressed herself tightly against the hard stone, lungs close to bursting as her feet throbbed from blisters.

The beast roared as something struck it, the floor rumbled from it’s fall and loud booms made her flinch. Lucy’s confusion and fright filled her as she listened to Natsu’s voice rise above it all.


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