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"What the hell is that?" Natsu asked as he looked at the small box that Lucy was hiding behind her back, not doing a good job of hiding it at all. Lucy bit on her lip nervously, fidgeting in place. She knew Natsu could see it and she knew Natsu didn't say anything for a while after seeing the box but after realizing she wasn't going to speak, he spoke first. And boy did Lucy feel nervous. "Luce?"

"Uh, it's nothing."

"Come on, what is it?" Lucy sighed and decided to just hand it to him, after all, it won't be that bad, right? Lucy held the box in her hands as Natsu carefully opened it, eyeing Lucy time to time. He eventually opened it and was surprised to see a baby pacifier in it. "What the hell?"

"Err, Natsu I can explain."

"Damn straight, do I look like a baby to you? Giving me pacifier?"

"It's not for you, idiot! It's . . ."

"Its..?" Natsu asked, as he held the small pacifier in his hands, examining it in every way. Was this some kind of prank? "Natsu, what do you think of when you look at that?"


"Yes, and what does that tell you?" Natsu stared at his wife for a moment, thinking of all the possibilities in his mind. Finally after what seemed like forever, Lucy groaned in frustration, tired of letting him figure it out. Of course, let her idiotic husband figure this out by himself. Stupid Lucy thinking he'll figure it out.

"I'm pregnant, dumbass!" Lucy shouted as she threw her hands in the air and her face flushing red. She made it pretty obvious. "I know," He replied bluntly making Lucy stared at him in shock. "What?"

"I know,"

"How do you know? I just found out two days ago and I never mentioned this to anybody."

"Lucy, did you forget I'm a dragon slayer? I can smell you, you smell different." Lucy stared at him, her hands balled into fists while her right eye twitching. If he knew, why in the world would he not tell her? Lucy felt her palm twitch, as if she was going to swing at him at any moment. "And you didn't even bother telling me?" Lucy asked, clenching her teeth in anger. Oh, he was so going to get it.

Natsu noticed his wife's deadly aura and laughed nervously, backing away slowly as Lucy started to step closer to him. "Uh, surprise?"

"I'm going to kill you!" And with that, Lucy tackled Natsu to the floor, ready to strangle him. That'll teach him not to keep something as important as that to himself. For mavis sake, she was thinking of how to break it to him ever since she found out and when she tells him he already knows? "Lucy, I love you!"

"Fuck you, Natsu!"

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