Post-job routine

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Natsu flopped down across the foot of the hotel bed with a groan. Beating up dark guilds was fun and all, and they’d gotten the job done without even destroying half the town this time, but he still ached all over. Worst in his shoulder and neck, where he'd had to summon up his Dragon Force scales to tank a hit that would've sent Lucy's horse-man archer back to the spirit world. He could hear Lucy moving around, getting ready for bed, but the running water he expected never came. Instead the mattress dipped next to him, and he twisted to squint up at her with a soft sound, a wordless question.

“I can bathe in the morning.” she whispered, nudging him into sitting up and following her to lie properly on the bed while she sat against the headboard. “C’mere, you silly dragon.” she guided his head down to rest in her lap, and Natsu let his eyes slide shut, a low rumble starting up in his chest as he nuzzled into the soft fabric of her shirt. It smelled like her, like the little floral pouches she’d started tucking in her drawers during the year he was off training. She mostly smelled like sweat and exhaustion and pain, familiar but not as pleasant as the floral of her shirt.

One of her hands came to rest on his head, fingers carding through his hair, and Natsu let out a quiet chirp as he pressed closer to her, wrapping an arm around the small of her back. She really was comfy, lean muscle wrapped in soft curves wrapped in fluffy PJs, and Natsu felt himself beginning to drift as she kept running her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp just right in the wake of the pressure of her palm. She was humming something, a dancey-sounding song he didn’t recognise, but it sounded nice.

This was good, Natsu thought sleepily. Was right in a way he didn’t have words for. Happy snoring his tiny kitty snores from atop Natsu’s pack by the door, Lucy dozing and petting him, his head in her lap and arms around her waist. “You’re warm.” she murmured, and sighed when he nuzzled into the bottom of her shirt again. She stopped humming, but her hand didn’t stop moving over Natsu’s head. “Why is it I look forward to this more than a soak in a tub after a hard job?” Lucy murmured, digging her fingers in behind Natsu’s ear and drawing a deeper sound from his throat, low and pleased.

“Ridiculous, reckless idiot.” she sighed, smoothing her palm over his hair a few times before returning to running her fingers through it. “But you’re my idiot.” her fingers curled around the nape of his neck, and Natsu held her a little more firmly as she bent over him. Her hair draped against his neck and shoulder as she brought her forehead down to meet his temple, surrounding him with the faint scent of her shampoo. “My silly dragon.” she murmured, and Natsu couldn’t help the delighted chirp that left his mouth.

Lucy sat back up so fast she slammed her head into the wall, her hand flying from Natsu’s head to cradle the back of her own. “I thought you were asleep!” she squeaked, cheeks a bright pink shading towards red with every passing second.

“And miss you playing with my hair?” Natsu grinned, twisting to sit next to her and pull her close against him. “That’s the best part of going on jobs together!” Lucy went as red as Erza’s hair, and Natsu laughed as he nuzzled her soft golden locks. “If I’m your silly dragon, what’s that make you, my pretty Princess?” because her digging spirit already called her that, and Dragons and Princesses were always a thing in kids’ stories. Lucy made a noise like she’d been punched, or maybe like she was being choked, and Natsu tucked her close against his side.

“This is nice too.” he assured her, and she gave him a small smile.

“Yeah, this is nice too.” she agreed, and leaned into him, face slowly returning to its normal colour. “You’re so warm, like a giant hot water bottle.”

Natsu chuckled, and let the contented rumble build in his chest again as his eyes slid closed, resting his cheek against the top of Lucy’s head. Happy would tease, when they all woke up in the morning, but for now Natsu was content to be here with Lucy safe and comfortable in his arms.

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