his thoughts

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Gajeel had warned him that these stages weren't all going to be physical. He didn't think anything of it, but he should of saw it coming. But he acted ignorant like he always did so when these thoughts hit him, it felt like a damn truck. He just wanted to sleep, they had just set up camp out in the woods. Lucy had been tired from all the walking and complained until they settled down to sleep. Natsu was slightly annoyed at first, but it couldn't be helped. She wasn't too used to the walking like he was.

"Natsu, I think I hear a waterfall a ways down. I'm going to see if i can take a bath." Lucy dug through her bag and pulled out a towel, shampoo, and conditioner that she brought along with her. Natsu looked up from the fire he was currently trying to make and nodded at Lucy.

"Okay, just don't stay in too long or I'll have to come find you." Natsu said as he felt a smirk sneak it's way onto his lips. He watched as her cheeks became red and saw her fingers twitch.

"Shut up! I'll be back in twenty minutes or so so don't come looking for me!" She stomped away as he cackled at her embarrassment. He felt himself die down when Happy fell asleep. Getting the fire started, he leaned back on the log he was sitting on and went deep into thought. His mind made it's way to Lucy, making the dragon slayer blush. Usually his thoughts of the blonde were family friendly, him thinking about her eyes or her hair. Maybe wanting to hold her hand even.

But right now, they were all but friendly. Natsu held his head as more images came to his mind, where did all of this come from?! He was so glad that Happy was asleep because if he saw him like this, he wouldn't ever let the slayer live it down. He thought back to where Lucy went. She went to go take a bath. He growled, thinking of how water drops from the lake would be slowly drifting down her body, getting closer and closer to...

"Okay! That's enough for one day!" Natsu yelled as he stood up.

"What's enough for one day?" He heard a girly voice say from behind him. He visibly jumped and turned around to find Lucy in nothing but a towel, trying to dry her hair. She stepped forward slightly which made Natsu step back.

"L-Lucy, what are you doing here?"

"I told you I'd be back in twenty minutes or so," she walked forward some more and grabbed some clothing. "I forgot to grab some pajamas to the waterfall so I had to some all the way back here to grab some." He watched her silently as she stepped passed him. "I'm going to go change behind a tree somewhere. Promise I'll be back quick." He nodded and sat back down. He released a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Mavis, what the hell is happening to me?" He asked, desperate to know what was going on. If he was around Lucy any longer, he was sure he was going to do something he'd regret. Just the mere image of Lucy in nothing but a flimsy towel had him wanting to see more, feel more. He told himself that one night that he wasn't ready, but he wasn't so sure anymore. Maybe he was?

"I'm back!" Lucy said. She came out from behind a far away tree, in a pair of short shorts and a tank top. Her outfit did little to stop his M-rated thoughts. He just quickly looked away from the blonde haired teen. She grabbed a sleeping bag and threw it to him while she set up her own on the ground. She grabbed Happy from his sleeping spot and pulled him to her. Natsu watched as she did all of this. "Night Natsu..." She said, finally

"N-Night." He said quietly. He turned away from her with a worried look in his eyes. Just don't think about it, Just don't think about it, just don't think...Fuck!

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