Don't you want a girlfriend?

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     “How did this happen?” Lucy groaned, dropping her head into her hands. Cana and Erza practically materialized in front of her. It was so noisy; Lucy could hardly comprehend how they had heard her. The guildhall was packed with guests. Most everyone seemed to be attributing the crowds to the most recent article and set of pictures in Sorcerer Weekly. It had been a swimsuit edition, and for some reason Natsu’s shots had become particularly popular.

           “How did what happen?” Cana asked, leaning closer with her mug in hand, awaiting a juicy story. Lucy groaned, glancing around the room until she caught sight of him again. Natsu was surrounded by girls, each one prettier than the last.

           “Natsu’s so popular now,” she replied, eyes tracing over the curve of his face, and the fluff of his pink hair. “It didn’t seem possible before. I mean… it’s Natsu of all people.”

           Cana grinned, gripping her mug, “His shots were pretty…” Her thought trailed off as she stared off dreamily.

           “Did you see his pictures in the magazine, Lucy?” Erza asked. Lucy had to gauge how to respond in a matter of seconds or else they’d be suspicious. Lie or tell the truth? But it was too late—a flush rose to her cheeks and she quickly tore her gaze away from her friends, so she didn’t have to look them in the eye.

           “Oooh…” Cana sang, “You liked them, didn’t you?”

           She had imagined, when she first gathered enough courage to open the magazine, that his pictures were just for her—their little secret. The way he held himself, the way his swim trunks hung on his hips. They had made her dizzy—almost. She had almost just let herself pretend, and she would have been content with that. Except… the crowd of girls that seemed to be constantly following him around now had broken through that daydream and shattered it to pieces. Natsu can never be mine. Still, despite her thoughts and her resolution, she felt that boiling pit of rage deep within her. The other girls had to stay away, or else.

           “She did like them,” Erza smiled. “Is that why you’re upset right now, Lucy?” She wished the earth would open up and swallow her alive. She wished she could disappear. She felt that hot blush grow even warmer on her cheeks.

           “N-no,” she whispered, hugging herself.

           Cana took a swig of her drink, slamming her mug down on the table before laughing, “You’re a bad liar, Lu. Why don’t you just tell him?”

           “T-tell him?!”

           “Yeah,” Erza nodded, “Tell him how you feel about him.”

           Lucy glanced back over to Natsu; he was desperately trying to evade his crowd of admirers. When he caught sight of her he grinned and winked before ducking out the door. Lucy’s heart skipped a beat. I could never tell him.


           Lucy was just about to fall asleep when there was a tapping at her window. She recognized the familiar patter and with a groan she unclasped the lock. Seconds later, Natsu tumbled onto her bed, gasping for breath.

           “What do you want now?” Lucy huffed, crossing her arms.

           “Sorry,” he groaned, catching his breath, “There was nowhere else to go. I think this is the last place they’ll ever think to look.” He paused, glancing over at her with a frown. “Is something wrong?”

           Lucy bit her lip, not meeting his gaze, “Don’t you like the attention? Isn’t it nice to meet those girls? To have them around you…?”

           “What do you mean?” He looked confused—a familiar expression that Lucy could almost call cute. His forehead scrunched up; one eyebrow cocked.

           “I mean… you’re pretty famous now. You could pick whoever you want and they’d be happy to have you… as a partner… a… a boyfriend.”

           “Partner?” Natsu narrowed his eyes, and before Lucy could react he reached out to grab her hand. “You’re my partner.”

           “For jobs, maybe,” She sighed, relishing in the warmth of his hand in hers. “But I mean… wouldn’t you be happy to have a girlfriend?”

           “A… girlfriend…” Natsu let out a breath, “Like… you?”

           “No, maybe not me. I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t be…” He was grinning from ear-to-ear. Lucy narrowed her eyes, “W-what? Do I have something on my face?”

           “No,” He laughed, “Don’t you want to be my girlfriend?”

           “W-what? W-wh… I mean…” she could hardly breathe. He had leaned in close, his cheeks flushed. He was so cute, Lucy was sure she was about to faint. “Wh-what about the other girls?”

           “What other girls? Oh, you mean those stalkers? Who the hell cares? If I’m going to have a girlfriend, I want you. And, only you.” Lucy’s breath caught in her throat. Her cheeks were burning up, but she leaned in and captured his lips in a kiss. Write about this, Sorcerer Weekly. She smiled against his lips, pulling him closer by his shirt. He’s mine.

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