Flour fights can lead to friendship

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Lucy woke up when she heard mixing bowls clattering in the kitchen down the hall from her dorm room. Being a light sleeper and someone who appreciated having at least eight hours of sleep a night, she wasn’t happy about this. Her door creaked open and she pulled her fleece throw blanket around herself, the cold air from the hallway making her shiver. As Lucy made her way to the light that was spilling into the dark hallway, she went through any possible lecture she could give to the person who was disturbing her sleep.

“Why the hell are you baking cookies at 3 AM in the morning?” she interrogated, her arms crossed. The pinkette who had just slid cracked two eggs into the mixing bowl looked up. Lucy had seen him around campus but had never really talked to him. She knew he was a jock and had been voted as an MVP of the football team but she had never talked to him. She also knew that he was a bit of pyromaniac and was planning on being a chemistry major. It frustrated her that she didn’t know his name.

The football player blinked at her and grinned. “You’re Lucy right?” he asked and Lucy was taken aback.

“How do you—?”

“Your friend is dating Gajeel. She talks about you a lot. I read your article about the athletics program, it was pretty good.”

“Point being, why are you baking cookies this early?” The pinkette pouted.

“I’m hungry,” was all he said. Now that she realized it, she was kind of hungry too. She had gone to sleep at twelve since her first class wasn’t until nine in the morning. She hesitated and didn’t know what to say.

“I’m Natsu,” he offered and Lucy blushed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know your name. How come Levy’s never introduced me to you?” Natsu just shrugged.

“I don’t know, I can’t understand her,” Natsu shrugged and dumped a cup of flour in the bowl. He looked back up at her and grinned. “Do you want to help?” Lucy smiled, forgetting that she was supposed to be angry.

“Sure, why not?”

Somehow both of them wound up with their clothes covered in flour and sugar. Both of them were gasping for air and their faces were flushed from laughter. “How did we end up like this?” Lucy asked as she leaned against him. Natsu was leaning against the cabinets and Lucy was resting her head on his flour-covered shoulder.

“I don’t know,” Natsu admitted and Lucy giggled again, Natsu snickering with her. The oven beeped and they looked at each other.

“We need to clean this up,” Lucy stated. She cast her glance around the now covered-in-flour kitchen.

“Yeah,” Natsu pushed away from the wall. “But we can eat first.”

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