Just a soft nalu moment

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The pressure on his chest confuses Natsu as he wakes until his eyes blearily open, the sight of golden hair greeting him. Natsu’s fingers curl into grooves of soft skin and curves, arms around Lucy, who sighs a little in her sleep and presses closer. The two of them had always been physically close - it came with the trade - and skin was just that, skin.

This type of comfort was something he’d never had. Never wanted to, didn’t mind not having. He’d been sprawled across Gray, dead asleep and snoring, bunked with Erza on jobs, and practically everyone in Fairy Tail - but with Lucy, it was different. Comforting in the way their legs tangled under the covers, the feel of her breathing against him lulling him into security, her skin pressed against his.

“Natsu…?” Lucy mumbles, in the midst of stirring. Her eyes flutter open, a yawn bubbling to her lips.

He runs his fingers through her hair, the other hand clutched at her waist protectively. “Mornin’ Luce. You’ve got drool on your chin.”

“Wha - Natsu! I don’t drool!”

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