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“Natsu?” Lucy blinked awake in the early morning, the sun had risen yet, but a pale light was shining in through the cracks in the curtains. Her husband’s side of the bed was empty, and cold. It had taken him a lot of convincing to get out of the house the day before, she remembered. He had argued with her. “It would be safer to stay here. I don’t want to leave you and the kids alone.”
           “This is our house, Natsu. Shouldn’t we feel safe in our own house?”

           Now, she was worried. She blinked again, to clear her vision, and stretched to wake herself up a bit, before glancing around the room. The twins’ crib was safe and sound, at the foot of their bed, and there…

           “Natsu?” Lucy bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing. Her husband was curled up in the crib. He barely fit, and his back was pressed tightly against the bars. Lucy could hardly imagine he was comfortable. She carefully slipped out of bed, and moved around to the other side of the crib so she could see his face, and the twins. Their newborn son and daughter were gently gathered close to his chest, him a small space between his chin and knees where both of them fit perfectly, and Natsu was, shockingly, asleep. She couldn’t imagine how he had managed such a feat. She found herself smiling, the tingling warmth of overflowing love filled her heart. She leaned over the bars of the crib and gently brushed her hand through his hair. He stirred and his eyelids fluttered open before he caught her smiling down at him.


           “Good morning, dear,” she whispered, brushing a thumb across his jaw. “What are you doing in here?” She laughed a little, but tried to suppress it again. She didn’t want to wake the Igneel and Layla. Natsu yawned, and then looked down at his son and daughter with adoration.

           “I wanted to protect them,” there was a touch of fear in his voice, and Lucy frowned. “It didn’t feel like they were safe all the way over here. All alone.”

           “It did feel weird putting them in here last night….” Lucy whispered. The first night they had the twins—the day they were born—they had all just slept together. They had both been too starstruck to pull the crib out of the closet in the entryway. She sighed, gently brushing her hand down to Natsu’s shoulder, and then smiled. “Come on out of there, dragon slayer.”

           Natsu somehow managed to climb out of the crib quietly, and when he was standing on the same side of the bars as his wife, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in for a soft kiss.

           “Your hands are freezing,” he laughed.

           “Whose fault is that?” Lucy pouted, “I woke up and my husband was no where to be found, and it was cold.”

           “I’m sorry,” Natsu pressed his lips to her neck, drawing her in for a warming embrace. She sighed contentedly, kissing him once more before turning back to the crib.

           “Lets… forget about the crib,” she said.

           “Really?” Natsu asked.

           “Well, you feel safer with them closer, right? And… I think I agree with you. Besides, how am I supposed to stay warm tonight if you decide to sleep in here again?” Natsu laughed, kissing her on the tip of her nose. Igneel was starting to fuss in his sleep, and Lucy knew it wouldn’t be long before he woke up screaming.

           “They’re hungry,” she said. She pulled herself away from Natsu’s embrace, to take care of her babies, but he caught her hand just before she reached the crib.

           “Lucy,” he whispered, “You know I’d do anything to keep you and the twins safe.” His expression was dangerous, and it was one she recognized. It was one that promised victory, if only for their sakes.

           “I know,” she whispered. “I’d do the same for you. All of Fairy Tail would. We’re a family, Natsu.”

           “A family.” Natsu’s gaze returned to the crib, where his children were still sleeping. “Yeah, I guess we are.”

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