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Thrust into a world with no magic, Lucy is alone with no way home. Earth is a brutal world with few morals and rampant crime. Lucy can't watch people suffer anymore. And so...Celestial Girl is born.


Naname was being followed. She was sure of it. But every quick, darting glance behind her revealed the vicinity to be empty of both pedestrians and cars.

Every muscle in her body tensed as she picked up the pace. Maybe it was her nerves. It was, afterall, well past midnight. Her car sat on the side of the street about 4 blocks back with a dead battery, and although she would never normally be out at this hour, there was really no choice but to walk home and see about her car tomorrow.

She managed another half block, walking briskly. There was no denying it now. A second set of footsteps joined hers. She fumbled in her purse for her cellphone but didn't dare stop long enough to search for it deeply. Instead, she broke out into a run.

Her apartment was only two blocks away. She rounded the corner, hoping the change of direction would throw off her assailant. The last thing she needed was for him/her to follow her home. But this time, the glance over her shoulder revealed a man dressed in dark clothing. He was close and closing the gap. There was no chance she would outrun him.

"HELP ME!" she screamed, maintaining her pace, "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

She felt him grab at her elbow and she used her purse to try beating him off.

"You're pretty stupid to be out at this hour," he hissed, his voice gruff and his clothes smelling of cigars. He managed to grab her arm, throwing her up against the side of the building.


She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face as he grabbed her purse, tossing it behind him to go through later. He had a black glint in his eyes as he reached for her.

Naname screamed.

And then there was silence.

She opened her eyes, just in time to see the flash that propelled the man into the building across the street, smashing the wall, and then the flurry of clashing fists. Her eyes stayed glued to them, her body cringing with each blow.

"Call 911!" she reminded herself, "Whoever is saving you..they're going to need help!"

Or maybe not.

The man slumped to the ground, not moving. For the first time, Naname got a good look at her rescuer. She was slender, clad in a skin tight blue and white spandex uniform with a matching blue eye mask. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a braid. Beside her, a young man in a business suit adjusted his glasses, then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The woman stooped, securing the assailant with a pair of handcuffs, handed to her…by a maid? The maid also disappeared in a puff of smoke. The woman turning to Naname, who still had her cell phone poised.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Naname nodded slowly, still stunned by what she'd just seen.

"Have you called 911?" the woman asked, "We need the police to arrest him."

Naname pressed the button, but it took her a minute to remember how to talk when the operator answered.

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