Heart over mind

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No one saw it coming. Not even him. Team Natsu had taken a job to stop a low level dark guild, it was supposed to be easy. This low level guild had aces up their sleeve though, a group much like S-class was the group they were currently up against. They were just as strong and just as passionate about winning. Natsu had been too distracted with a member to see what was going on behind him.

"Open, gate of the Lion: Leo!" There was a sudden puff of white smoke and the man himself appeared out of nowhere. Loke had an at ease smile plastered on his face and he decided to flirt with the women Lucy was up against. "Oh c'mon, Loke! Take her down!" Loke then suddenly stopped his flirting with the dark mage and smirked.

"Anything for my master. Regulas impact!" The blast sent back the women Lucy was fighting, but the women wasn't so easily out down. Lucy grabbed the whip her hip and stood next to Loke to fight along side him. Lucy latched her whip onto the woman's wrist and yelled at loke to hit her. Loke had done so and had effectively knocked out the women.

"Kinda feel bad. Didn't let her get even one hit in." Lucy chuckled sheepishly. That's when she felt a dark aura from behind her. She sent Loke back, knowing he'd be in danger if he stayed any longer. She spun her body around to see the same woman from before, except she was a man?

"My sister is weak, but I'm far from her." His magic power exploded, leaving her speechless. He chanted few words before sending a blast her way. She anticipated for the pain to come but nothing had appeared. All she felt was drowsy.

That's when the world went black.


"She's waking up!" Natsu hollered to the rest of the guild. Lucy had been out for half a day after defeating the dark guild. After she was knocked out, the rest today team Natsu found out that the mage that knocked her out was an illusion type mage, one that could hypnotize. He had created an illusion that he was incredibly powerful which sent Lucy into shock and making her freeze in fear. Then he managed to hypnotize the blonde too, which is why she was out for twelve hours, the spell needed time to take full effect.

"Hnn, where the hell am I? Oh yeah, guild hall." Lucy rubbed her temples as her growing head ache set in. She was happy to see everyone standing around her in worry, especially Natsu. She watched as Natsu placed his hand on her forehead and attempted to check her temperature. She felt her face heat up and she leaned into his touch. She felt her eyes widen. Why did she do that?

"Woah, your face is so red? Do ya have a fever?" She shook her head no but didn't bother to take her head away, but instead grabbed onto his vest and pulled him closer to her body. She hid her face in his chest. He went still. Was this part of of the spell? Everyone that stood around the bed, looked shocked at what the blonde was doing.

"This must be part of the spell..." Erza concluded.

"I think your right." Lucy said, though her voice was muffled. "I'm aware of what I'm doing, but my body isn't listening to my mind. I think it's just going to get worse from here unless Levy-chan can help." Lucy concluded. It's like this spell was preventing her mind and sense of reasoning to control her body, but instead has her heart control her body, much to her protest. This isn't the way she wanted Natsu to find out damnit!

"We'll see what levy can do to help. Are you okay to walk, Lucy." Gray asked. Lucy nodded and tried to stand but her body wouldn't let her move away from Natsu.

"Stupid body- move!" She groaned to herself in frustration. Her face couldn't possibly get redder. Natsu got up and Lucy's body immediately stood up with him. Natsu said nothing as he pryed her hands off his vest. Lucy could see his face was red with embarrassment, probably confused that she decided to cling on him like he was her life line. He made sure she could stand on her own before turning around.

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