Stripping is the way

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Lucy walked back to her apartment after talking to Mira at the guild. Somehow, the little vixen had gotten it into her mind again that Natsu might have feelings for Lucy. She remembered the last time Mira had said something like this, and Lucy got all her hopes up, only for it to be revealed it was a huge understanding and Natsu was as dense as a rock as ever. There was no way he would have feelings for her. Definitely not, she knew Natsu was Natsu, and because of that, they would never be together.

Not that she wanted to anyway, Natsu was too Natsu for her. Maybe if he was a little bit less idiotic and possessed a good deal of common sense, and maybe stopped calling her weird all the time, and maybe if he actually cared about the opposite sex's bodies then … Lucy slapped her face hard – she mustn't start thinking about Natsu in that way again!

"You are a moron, Lucy," she told herself.

She finally arrived at her apartment and turned the key. She was absolutely and one hundred percent prepared to find Natsu sitting on her couch and giving her a 'Yo!' greeting.

Lucy sighed at him, not wanting to deal with him right now. "Why do you always come in uninvited?"

Natsu scratched the back of his head and cracked a broad grin at her. "Because it's fun here!"

"Yeah, Lucy! Why can't we stay here?" said Happy who was flying above Natsu's head.

"Because you guys have your own house," she responded grimly and walked towards her bathroom.

"Yours is nicer. It smells nicer too!" replied Natsu honestly.

"Yours would too if you didn't leave behind such a mess! You should think about cleaning it if you're complaining that it smells."

"Why would I do that when I can just come over here instead?"

"I'm going to take a bath now, and when I get out, I want you out of my apartment," she said and she shook her head in disapproval.

The girl didn't even bother warning Natsu about peeking in on her, since she knew Natsu had absolutely no interest in her body. It was kind of depressing, she knew she was pretty, she had her big breasts, her slender and curvy figure – yet it didn't faze him at all. She might as well be fat in his eyes; he wouldn't care either way. Lucy took a nice long bath, relaxing in the hot water. She heard some noises coming from the living room, and hoped Natsu would leave already. After about an hour, she finally climbed out and dried herself off, then putting on her bra and panties.

"I thought I told you to go home," she sneered once she saw Natsu sitting on her couch still.

"Go put on some clothes," stated Natsu with a weird look. "Weirdo, you act just like Gray."

Lucy looked down at her white bra and panties, sure it was slightly embarrassing, but it wasn't any different than wearing a bikini, so she didn't know why he was saying that. "What's wrong with it? It's my apartment and I'll wear whatever I want!"

"Lucy is just trying to seduce you," said Happy with an evil look in his eye.

Lucy's cheeks burned up a little bit and she furiously denied it. "I am not! Now get out of my apartment! Shoo!" She started waving her arms around, trying to get Natsu and Happy to leave. The fire mage finally got up and walked over to the window.

"The door! Use the door god damnit!" she shrieked.

"Come on Happy, it's no fun being around Lucy when she's being weird like that anyway." He was referring to her bra and panties combo. Again, what was the problem with that? That fire mage could really irritate her sometimes. He finally left through the window and she quickly shut it again.

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