Aquarius & sirens 1

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“Miraaaa” Lucy whines “I need a job so bad, Natsu and I are almost out of money and if we don’t pay the landlady she’ll kick us to the curb, I just know it!”

Mira hums “Have you checked the board?”

“Yes, there’s nothing up there but requests for wizard maids from dusty old geezers! I am not doing that” she huffs, turning her nose up at the very idea of catering to old men in a maid costume.

Mira laughs “Yes well, I don’t think Natsu would like you doing that either”

At the mention of his name, Natsu’s head pops out of the tangle of people brawling in the middle of the hall

“Wha? Did somebody say my name?” he asks, then punches Elfman right in the face. Ouch.

Lucy rolls her eyes “Come here ya big oaf” she commands “I’ve been trying to find us a job for the past hour, what have you been doing?” she raises a critical eyebrow at him and he shrinks under her gaze.

He sluggishly walks over to Lucy and gives her a sheepish smile, laughing nervously at her obvious ire.

“Heh, sorry Luce” he tries to apologize “I got a little caught up with” he waves a hand in the general direction of the scuffle “all of that”

She sighs and pats the seat next to her, he plops down with a thud “We gotta find a job Natsu, otherwise, we’ll be sleeping on a hammock in the park!”

Mira is thoughtful for a moment before she interjects herself back into their conversation “Hm, I know the board was a bust, but let me see if anyone has left any messages on the Guild’s Lacrima. Sometimes we get personal messages rather than written requests”

Lucy goes starry-eyed “REALLY MIRA?” she exclaims, bottom lip wobbling “YOU’D DO THAT FOR US?”

“Of course Lucy” Mira giggles “But don’t get your hopes up, sometimes there’s no reason to send wizards out. We get a lot of crazy fans calling in!” she explains, making her way to the backroom where the Lacrima is stored.

Lucy squeals and turns to Natsu “Did you hear that? We might just find a job!”

“Didn’t she say not to get our hopes up, Luce?” Natsu chuckles at his partner’s enthusiasm

“I know I know” she pouts “But I really wanna kick some ass and get the rent money! I can’t help that I’m excited” she pumps her fist in the air

Natsu laughs and gingerly tucks a stray hair behind her ear, exposing her face to him completely “There’s my fiery girl, always ready to throw down”

A blush stains Lucy’s cheeks pink. Natsu’s direct way of complimenting her still hasn’t lost its effect, even after several months of dating.

“You guys are so adorable!” Lucy jumps at the sudden voice

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