Fluffy Nalu

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1) They will always be best friends whether they’re romantically involved or not

2) Nothing would change if they started dating, they would still be Natsu and Lucy

3) Natsu likes PDA bc he doesn’t give a fuq about what anyone thinks lol

4) Lucy is embarrassed by it but also really loves it

5) They go out and look at the stars with each other bc Natsu knows Lucy loves to do that

6) Lucy eventually just accepts that Natsu will keep breaking into her apartment and just end up giving him a key

7) That doesn’t last long bc Natsu just ends up inviting Lucy to live with him and Happy; the trio are v happy living together

8) Lucy loves baking and she makes Natsu special cookies sometimes that can bit lit on fire without burning them so he gets the best of both worlds

9) Natsu will sometimes bring home books, when he goes on solo jobs, that Lucy might like reading

10) Lucy reads them all the way through even if they end up being really cheesy romance novels

11) Natsu gives Lucy forehead and nose kisses

12) Lucy loves hugging Natsu, just hugging him sometimes is enough and so special to her


14) Lucy cooks a lot for Natsu, but he watches her and helps her and eventually learns how to improve his own cooking skills

15) Sometimes, when Lucy falls asleep first, Natsu just likes to watch her sleep/breathe.  It soothes him.

16) If either of them has a nightmare about something terrible that has happened in the past from all of their experiences, the other is their to comfort them, hold them, and just let them cry if need be

17) They go on dates with Gruvia.  Chaos ensues, but it’s usually a good time

18) Lucy always used to talk about getting married and having a beautiful ceremony and Natsu used to always roll his eyes, but now he just smirks fondly at her- Erza sometimes sees these interactions and smiles knowingly that the pair will get married

19) When they finally do get married, it’s a rowdy, but elegant gathering at the guild- Anna comes as well as Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus

20) They expand the house, working on it together, making it more spacious

21) They paint the baby’s room together and pick out furniture and toys together

22) They have a daughter together who is the light of their lives, Happy is like an uncle to the baby

23) After years and years pass, they are still Natsu and Lucy.  Still mischievous, loving, and happy.

I have more for sure, but here are some :)

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