his feelings

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Natsu didn't think it was possible for him to feel this way. He was always so neutral when it came to women. He's never fallen in love with somebody before. He should of realized a year ago, when he started to feel different around her, but he ignored it because he wasn't exactly ready. Plus, they were always in some sort of deadly situation, he wasn't exactly thinking about wanting to get together with anyone at the time.

He groaned and took a sip of his fire whiskey. He only realized all of this around a week ago, but it still hit him hard every time he thought about it. Along with this realization, he's been getting this urge. This feeling. He wants Lucy. He wants her now. Just looking at her gave him this urge. He told himself that with everything that happens, he wasn't ready for such things like a relationship. But now, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

He loved her and he wanted to be with her. He also told himself that he knew Lucy's feeling for him, but with these feelings came his insecurities. Did she like him back or did she just get embarrassed easily? Was she just messing around with him? Did she liked someone else like gray or lokeHe growled at the thought. He didn't like thinking about Lucy with another man, especially someone like Gray or loke.

"Hey Natsu!" He heard a voice say from behind him. Despite his annoyance, he smiled when he turned around. Lucy could always get him to smile. She ran up to him and sat down next to him. After calling over Mira for a drink, she turned to him with a bright smile. "Aren't you excited for the cherry blossoms festival?" He shrugged.

"I've seen it a hundred times before." Her smile disappeared momentarily as she gave him a pout. She crossed her arms.

"Well, the last time I was there to see it I got sick so I'm excited," she then giggled. "Ya know, I already thanked you before but I wanna say it again. Thank you for floating that tree down the river, it was so thoughtful of you and Happy to do." He looked at her with mild surprise before looking away from her shy face.

"I never said we were the ones that did anything."

"Oh Natsu, it's been years since then. You don't have to hide it," She paused and got a good look of his expression. "Or...are you shy about it. Aw! That's so cute of you!" He choked on his drink and wipped his face with an embarrassed scowl. If she keeps this up, she's bound to find out about his feelings. As much as he wants her to know, rejection isn't something he wants to experience.

"A-As if! The only reason we sent that tree down the river was because you would of whined about it the next day." She placed her hands on her hips and smiled as she rolled her eyes.

"Say what you want, but I know the truth."

"Tch, whatever." Natsu tilted his head up and drank the rest of his fire whiskey, Lucy watching his every move. He gave her a sideways glance and raised his brow at her. She squeaked and looked away. "You okay, Lucy?"

"I just...wanted to ask you a question." She squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze and shifted slighting towards him. She was wringing her hands, but when she saw he noticed, she placed him between her thighs to stop her from moving them around. She looked truly nervous.

"Ask away." He patiently waited for her to muster up the courage to ask him whatever she wanted to. She opened her mouth a few times as if she was going to say something, but stopped herself. He felt himself start to get nervous as well, trying to anticipate what could of gotten the blonde so nervous.

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