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Lucy wasn't the only one who noticed it. Gajeel had told the guild Natsu was going through five different phases, but she didn't think they'd all happen in the time span of a month. After about a week of Natsu growth spurt, the second stage had kicked in. Not only had it flustered Lucy, but it enhanced her feelings towards the slayer. These stages we're making her go insane.

"You've noticed too, haven't you Lucy?" Mira had asked one day. She was leaning her elbows on the bar counter and sporting a mischievous smile. Lucy knew exactly what she was talking about, which had her blushing like a damn fool

"N-Noticed what?" She tried her best to conceal her knowledge about the subject and decided to play ignorant. Too bad Mira wasn't having any of that.

"You know what I'm talking about, Lucy. Don't play dumb with me." Mira waved a finger in front of Lucy's face, scolding her. Lucy inwardly groaned at the way Mira was interrogating her. As much as Lucy loved the white haired bar tender, she was just so nosy when it came to others romantic business.

"Okay fine, jeez. I noticed." Lucy grumbled and crossed her arms. She decided to turn away from Mira so she couldn't look at how her cheeks flamed a bright red. Mira was no fool though. She noticed the minute Lucy turned away. Giggling, Mira gazed over to the exact person they were talking about.

"He's so different now. Now only has he gotten so much taller, his voice is just...wow." Mira couldn't even finish her sentence she was so astonished. Lucy agreed with Mira on this one. It was around three days ago that Natsu's voice has changed from it's slight crack and on the higher side to this deep and husky tone. At first, Lucy just thought it was weird and kind of funny, but the more she heard it the more it would give her goose bumps of excitement. The more she have to conceal her moans every time he would talk even remotely close to her.

"Yeah really. It's going to kill me." Lucy mumbled quietly.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing!" Mira laughed and ran off to serve some of her other guild mates. Lucy sighed in relief and closed her eyes. The last week and a half had been so tiring for her and all she wanted was to go home and take a nap. But somehow, every time she tried to sleep he would be next to her by the time she woke up. It was getting harder and harder to keep herself back. Maybe she would just take a nap here...

"You Luce!" Natsu said, planting his hand on her back and leaning close to her ear. She squealed and swiftly lifted her head, only to bang it on his shoulder. Yelping, she leaned forward slightly and put a hand to the back of her head.

"Natsu! You dolt, don't scare me like that!" Natsu cackled and held his stomach from laughing so hard. Lucy huffed and pouted. He even laughed deeper! It was almost scary how much he was changing right in front of her. She kind of missed his older self. Missed his innocent boyish charms. But she wasn't exactly opposed to this new version of Natsu. He was still himself, but just more mature sounding...and looking.

"Oh Lucy, you should of seen your face! It was priceless!" She slapped his arm and turned away from him. Yeah, he was still himself. Still an annoying little kid.

"You're annoying!"

"Oh come on, you know I was only messing with you..." He whispered. "Besides, I know you can't stay mad at me for very long." He smirked, leaning into her ear once more. Growling, she pushed his face away from her with her palm. He was embarrassing her.

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