Halloween party

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Lucy woke up with a scream when she felt a large thing on land on her bed. She lashed out and kicked whatever was on her bed with all of her strength, which had built up considerably since coming to Fairy Tail. A familiar voice screeched at her when he fell. "Luce!" A pink head popped up from the floor and glared at her. "What was that for?"

"For jumping into my bed like a maniac to wake me up!" Lucy yelled back. "Who does that?"

"Stop yelling Lucy," Happy mumbled as he lethargically flew in through the door. "it's too early in the morning." Lucy glanced at the hologram next to her to see that it was actually early; it wasn't even ten.

"Don't blame me! Blame your idiot owner for jumping on my bed like a child!"

"I'd tell you why, if you'd stop yelling," Natsu said, annoyed. Lucy crossed her arms and glared at him. "Sting and Rogue are hosting a Halloween party." Lucy's anger melted away instantaneously into child-like excitement. Natsu smiled as her eyes lit up and she started bouncing on the mattress.

"When do we leave?" Lucy asked.

"As soon as you can get ready," Natsu answered. "Sting said that Minerva and Yukino invited a lot of the girls from Fairy Tail and other gangs to go do hair or whatever the hell you guys do to get ready for parties."

"Is Evelyn coming?"

"Yeah, she's already up and eating breakfast. Now come on!" Natsu moved to leave the room before calling behind him, "we leave in half an hour!" When Natsu and Happy left the room, Lucy jumped out of bed and quickly pulled on jeans and a flowy, white long-sleeved shirt that Evelyn had bought her as an apology for how she had treated Lucy during the weeks following her rescue. After tugging on boots, she nearly tripped running down the stairs, and skidded to a halt in the kitchen.

"Don't be so clumsy Lucy," Happy chided and Lucy shot a murderous glare at the flying cat as she sat down to properly tie up her boots.

"Shut up Cat," she sneered. Natsu offered her a thermos and she grinned when she tasted hot chocolate. "Are we leaving now?" Natsu laughed.

"You're really excited about this aren't you?"

"I've never celebrated Halloween before. My father always thought it was too childish and not becoming for 'someone of our status'," she quoted at the thing she had her father say to her more than enough times throughout her life. Evelyn and Natsu shared a glance with each other and smiled knowingly.

"Sting and Rogue live in the same house?" Lucy asked as the group of four exited the house to the red sports car Natsu favored to use for casual, everyday activities.

"They basically lived together anyway, so when our parents disappeared it was easy for them to just be together and they kept each other company until they found Sabertooth," Evelyn explained.

"How did Sting become Sabertooth's leader if he's only been there for a few years?" Lucy questioned. She had met the cousins a couple of times but those had always been for strictly business and there had never been any time to ask them about their life.

"Sabertooth's old leader Jiemma was an asshole," Natsu began. "Everything in that gang revolved around proving to be stronger than everyone else and they had no allies, but Jiemma didn't care. He said that having allies meant that they were weak or some shit like that. Eventually Sting, Rogue, and Yukino had had enough and they had challenged him to a fight. Sting was the one who made the last blow so he was declared the winner. Up until now, Sabertooth had operated where whoever defeated the leader in a fight would get leadership." Lucy bit her lip and closely went through her memories to see if her father had ever mentioned anything about Sabertooth. She perked up when she remembered something she had heard in passing.

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