OHL Pt.2

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"Ahh, Levy-chan! Natsu's going to be here any minute!" The blonde said frantically, looking in her vanity mirror to see if her make up had smudged or if any article of clothing she had on was wrinkled. The brown long sleeved sweater looked fine, so did the black skirt that accompanied it. The leggings she wore to protect her skin from the cold felt fine, as did her loose golden curls. Her lightly applied eye makeup made her chocolate orbs pop out like she wanted them too. She looked like she normally did…

So why did she feel so nervous?

Levy walked over to her best friend, placing her petite hand on her clothed back, rubbing it up and down in comfort.

"Lu-chan, you've been going on dates with Natsu for a few months now. You'll be fine." Hearing her blonde friend sigh, the bluenette looked at her, confusion etched on her face. Lucy put down her eyeliner and walked over to sit on their couch, groaning as she placed her hands on her face.

"They're more like play dates." She heard Levy's footsteps come closer to her, the quizzed expression still present on her face as she looked up to her short best friend. "We've been 'dating' since July, but it's September now. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, hasn't held my hand…" The more Lucy explained her situation the more it irritated her. Thinking that most couples would've gotten to home base within a few months of dating and she hasn't even made it to first. Levy's hand on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts.

"It'll take some time Lu-chan. You're more reserved than the average person, you should be thankful that Natsu's taking things slow." Lucy thought about her friends words, but they did nothing to ease the desire she had.

"Its weird, but with Natsu I… don't want to take things slow." She confessed surprising her friend. "It just feels natural to be with him, ya know? Whenever I'm with him I just want him to hold me, to kiss me." She looked down to her lap. "But he won't. We came close to it once, but no dice." She was recalling their third date when they had went to the park.

Natsu decided to bring along his guitar (since there was nothing the gorgeous man could not do Lucy thought) and they were just sitting under a tree, very close to each other she might add. He played a few cords for her as she laid her head on his shoulder. She gazed at his flawless face, heart hammering in her chest as he turned his head until his eyes met her own. Their eyes were locked in a meaningful gaze, Natsu began to lean his face towards hers. Her eyes widened in surprise but started to move her face to his in an attempt to meet him halfway. Disappointment filled her as he abruptly pulled away, standing up and brushing the dirt off his pants. He picked up his guitar before offering her a hand to help her up. They never did talk about what happened.

"Its just so frustrating." She gripped her blonde locks, tugging at them slightly to show her nerves. "Why can't he see that I want him to kiss me? I'll even settle with holding hands." When all Levy did was giggle at her reaction Lucy growled. "Whats so funny?"

"You." She held her stomach, her laughs becoming louder. "I've never seen you get so worked up about a guy before! I always thought you were going to be a crazy dog lady with twenty dogs myself."

Lucy felt her eyebrow twitch, not liking what she just heard. "Way to have faith in me Levy-chan."

The bluenette's laughter was beginning to die out. "Oh no problem Lu-chan." The doorbell rang, reliving the tense situation around the two friends. "Oh looks like Natsu's here Lu-chan!"

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