Fairy guest

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In Fairy Tail Hotel it's impossible to have a bad experience. Lucy Heartfilia can assure that, since she's been staying there all summers with her family since ages ago. But who's this new employee that'll make her experience much more enjoyable? The new lifeguard of the Hotel she's been going all her life is going to give her some special room service. [Host/Hotel Employee AU]


It was typical for the Heartfilia family to go to Magnolia on holidays, a hot city with one of the most beautiful beaches from the world, and to stay in the five stars level Fairy Tail Hotel.

Lucy never complained about it, even if they went to the same place as long as she remembered. Maybe even before that -who knew, it seemed her father Jude and her mother Layla loved it for whatever reason. And Lucy, with her twenty years of experience there, knew she loved it too just as much. Fairy Tail was a magical place.

"I'm glad we can come here all together," Jude sighed contently, a smile playing in his thin lips. Sitting beside her in the back seat as the chauffeur drove, Lucy could spot the bags under his tired eyes; the reason of them being excessive work. Lucy was glad the period of going to Magnolia arrived -she didn't want her father to get sick.

At her left, Layla let out a soft laugh, the corners of her big eyes twinkling. Lucy admired the beauty of her mother, because even if some people told them they looked like twins, Lucy knew her mom was just much more pretty and graceful than her. "It's a bless, really. I can't wait to get to Fairy Tail again."

Lucy agreed, excitement rushing over her as she saw the little coffee shop called 'Love and Lucky' that meant they were really close.

"Yeah, it's a shame we can stay only two weeks. I'll be so busy with exams when we return," Lucy said, sighing. Usually, they stayed one month or, if they were lucky, all summer there. It wasn't like they couldn't afford it anymore, it just was that Lucy was going to enter exam season in her university very soon. Because even if her parents offered her to stay home and return sometime again, she couldn't turn down. She loved Magnolia city and Fairy Tail.

"Don't you worry," Her father said. "We're going to make it the best two weeks of the year,"

Lucy smiled brightly at him before the car stopped and the driver said, "Sir, we arrived."

The family shared a bigger, toothed smile before they all got out of the limo. Lucy inhaled deeply, the scent of the salty sea and fresh breeze filling her nose. It was so familiar it felt like home, too.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail Hotel, may I help you?" a deep voice said. Coming back to reality, Lucy saw the black haired young man she knew was Gray Fullbuster.

She smiled to him and run to hug him. "Gray!"

"Woah," she heard him say, almost falling back before he regained the composture. He hugged her back,"Lucy! Hey," he said.

Gray started working in Fairy Tail four years ago, exactly when he was eighteen years old. In all those years, he and Lucy had become really good friends. They texted often to see how they were doing, but since she lived in Acalypha and he in Magnolia, it was almost impossible to see each other.

"How you doing?" he asked after breaking the hug. He was smiling at her, and that was saying much, considering Gray was a pretty cold person.

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