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"When do you leave?She asked him with a softened voice, her brown eyes drifting down to stare at Happy as he curled himself into a blue furry ball on the carpet, unable to look her fiancé in the eyes.

"One week from now.He told her, sending her spilling into a world hotter than the crackling fireplace they stood before, the heat baking onto her skin as she clenched her shaking fists. "Things are getting bad out there, Luce. Makarov needs all the men he can get-"

"But why you?she cut him off suddenly, her voice cracking as she felt tears bud in her eyes, finally getting the courage to look up at him."You have a choice to stay, and you're choosing to put your life in danger?! Do you know how dangerous Alvarez is? Innocent people are being killed everyday! They have no qualms about taking lives!"

He nodded at her, his green eyes reflecting the fire as his face turned stone hard. "I know. And that's why I have to do this. For Fiore's sake."

She shook her head as she bit down on her lip, her tears finally springing free from her eyes as she watched him stare at her evenly, though his eyes did catch the sparkling tears in her eyes as they slid down her cheeks in mini waterfalls.

"But what about your friends here? Do you think they'll approve of this?! How do you think they'll react when they find out you're shipping out to one of the most dangerous countries in the world?!"

He glanced into the fire, his mouth curling downwards as his eyebrows followed suit. His stare quickly became a frustrated glare as he bore his teeth to the flames, mimicking Lucy's fists as his tanned hands took on a clenched appearance.

"What about us?She asked him quietly, watching his body out of the corner of her eye as she noticed it stiffen like ice. "Natsu, what am I going to do with myself if you die out there-"

Her speech was immediately halted as she felt his lips crash down onto hers in a fiery need, his hands reaching upwards to cradle her tear stained cheeks as they continued to flow freely down her face. Her heart jolted at the initial contact, but she soon felt her body react to his kiss, just like she always had. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened their kiss, squeezing her eyes shut as she raised herself up on her tippy-toes to get closer to him, their chests pressing together as their hearts pounded with the same rhythm. She grabbed onto his pink hair on the back of his head, not wanting to let go, and he didn't want her to either. She felt her arms become vices as her feet left the ground, clinging to her fiancé as he bent backwards slightly to accommodate her to his height. She felt an arm wrap around her waist as he held her close to him, while his other arm cupped the back of her head.

Their lips slowly pulled apart, lingering only a few inches away. Natsu quickly closed the gap once more, and five seconds later, he broke it again to touch his forehead with her shaking one.

"I ain't gonna die, Luce. That I promise you.he told her softly, as more tears began to flow out of her eyes.

"H-How can you be so sure?she whispered shakily on the verge of another sob, her bottom lip quivering as she looked up into his blazing green eyes.

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