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Things had finally settled down at the guild. Another wild party going well into the night as usual. A few of their friends were still lingering as they were all settled against a back wall of the hall. Lucy enjoying the playful banter, eyes closed and content with resting her head on Natsu’s lap as she listened on. The warmth radiating from him surrounding her and settling over her like a blanket, creating a sleepy haze in her mind, and she never wanted to move.

“Yeah right, Gray. Ya know I won that bet fair and square,” Natsu murmured with a lazy chuckle, his tired rough voice filtering through the haze of her mind.

She had come to find comfort in his voice over the years, becoming something that would spread warmth through her heart just from hearing him say her name. Something that grounded her and reminded her he was real and right there by her side.

Lucy felt one of Natsu’s warm palms settle on her head, a tentative gentle touch at first, as if he was afraid he would wake her. She heard him release the breath he must have been holding as he threaded his fingers through her blonde locks. She slowly breathed a deep contented sigh, body relaxing further, pressing her head further into his palm, a twitch of a smile on her lips. The feeling of his nails lightly raking across her scalp sending tingles of pleasure down her spine.

Rough fingertips of Natsu’s other hand were softly lingering over the top of her hand that was resting on her waist. Tracing over her guild mark gently as his soft laughs rumbled through him. Feeling him treat her mark with such a tender touch spread warmth through her. She was slowly losing herself in his soothing touch and warmth, feeling the pull of sleep get stronger...

“Luce… ”

She almost flinched at the whisper of her name, sounding louder in her head than the quiet tone it was. Quickly bringing her back to the moment, but she remained unmoving.

“I-I, you mean so much to me and I-,” he rasped, hearing him take in a slow shaky breath, voices of the others continuing on in the background, but all she could focus on was Natsu, “I wish I could tell you all this when you’re awake, but I just don’t want to lose you if I do.”

The aimless lingering touches on her scalp continued, his other hand fully grasping around hers, thumb brushing over her mark softly.

“I love you too much to ever let that happen...”

It took everything she had to try and keep her breathing under control and not jump up at his words. Willing her heart not to jump out of her chest.

Where was all this coming from? He had gotten better about expressing himself and talking to her about things, but this was just… Of course she had feelings for him, she had for years, but never wanting to risk their friendship let alone think he could reciprocate them.

Could it be true? Can he feel the same way?

It could change everything, in every best way

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