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Lucy and Natsu are doing a photo shoot for their engagement.


"I'm just saying, Natsu," Lucy hissed as they both sat down at the table, wrapping their arms around each other. They put their heads together, turning toward the camera, "that you could stand to be a little more considerate."

"Smile!" the photographer called.

Both Natsu and Lucy froze, grinning toward the camera. The flash blinded them momentarily, but the shot must have been satisfactory because the photographer was already moving his camera.

"It's not like I was trying to be an asshole!" Natsu murmured under his breath, "How was I supposed to know it would royally piss you off?"

"Hold hands and face each other," the photographer ordered.

Natsu and Lucy gazed obediently into each others' eyes. To the cameraman, the sparks between them created a beautiful picture that would immortalize their love. Neither Natsu or Lucy, however, would describe those sparks as 'immortalizing love' at the moment.

"I think we should go outside for our next shots!" the photographer suggested, pointing out the bay window to the lake below.

"Sounds good!" Natsu replied, "Why don't you go get set up? We'll be right there."

Both were silent until the photographer was out of ear-shot.

She rolled her eyes dramatically, "You knew damn well it would piss me off! The only reason you're squirming now is because you got caught!"

"It was rather inconvenient that you chose that moment to walk in," Natsu agreed with an equally dramatic sigh.

"If I wasn't so pissed, I'd have laughed my fucking head off," she scoffed, "It's not everyday you parade around like that. Good thing I took lots of pictures. Maybe I'll post some on the Job Board at Fairy Tail."

"You wouldn't!" Natsu dead-panned.

She grinned, sending a shiver down his spine.

They left the atrium, their fingers intertwined to head down to the shore. The photographer was already set up, planning out his shots.

"I think we'll start by having you both by the tree there," he suggested, "Natsu, why don't you peek around at her?"

Natsu nodded, striding ahead of his bride-to-be, despite the fact that she was having trouble crossing the sandy area in her spiked heels. She stumbled, sending death-glares to him as she righted herself, then finally took her shoes off so that she could join him. He waited for her to lean against the tree, then peered around at her from the other side.

"Smile!" the photographer beckoned. Both Natsu and Lucy plastered their smiles on.

"Would it help if I said I was sorry?" Natsu asked. He continued to feign his smile as the photographer's camera clicked.

"Probably not," Lucy snapped, adjusting her position so that she appeared to be pecking his cheek. The photographer liked that and snapped another picture, "You showed your idiot friends my lingerie, Natsu. That's supposed to be between you and me. They had no business -"

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