Nothing fits

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Nursing a low-cal fruit and veggie drink, Lucy waited for Natsu and Happy. As her pregnancy advanced, she'd been allowed to do less and less. Most of her free time was occupied with waiting, and that made her restless. Lucy chose to spend that time waiting at the guild, but that made for other problems.

She was glad to get tips from Bisca in regards to pregnancy, but some people without children had the nerve to give her second-hand information (most of it wrong). The worst offenders were Erza and Evergreen - both single and childless. Even Elfman spouted hints he'd gleaned from his sister. Lucy didn't dare tell them their help wasn't wanted; she valued her sanity.

Mira bustled over and smiled at Lucy. "It's almost noon. Time for a nap, isn't it?"

"I'm feeling pretty good today, I thought -" Lucy looked up into the blazing eyes of Mira's Sitri soul. She sighed. "I thought I'd be heading home for a nap."

"Good!" Mira chirped, her body reverting to her normal form. "I'll send Natsu home as soon as he shows up here." She rummaged under the counter and pulled out a paper bag and thrust it at Lucy. "Take it and enjoy!"

The blonde took the offering, trying her best to not smell the contents of the bag. "Thanks, you shouldn't have."

"It's no trouble! I ate tuna, peanut butter with sauerkraut and mayo for a solid month with my first." Mira watched Lucy fondly as the blonde slid off the bar stool and limped towards the exit. "Oh, and I'll tell Natsu he must rub your feet!"

"I appreciate it!" Lucy waved and made her way to what used to be solely Natsu and Happy's cottage. Natsu, with the help of the guild had renovated his hovel into a warm and charming house.

Lucy walked along the canal, the fishermen called out admonishments and caution to her. She waved and offered them Mira's snack. They shook their heads frantically. Lucy laughed and continued on her way.

Safe at home, she left the sandwich in its bag on the kitchen table. Maybe Happy might want to salvage the tuna from the otherwise unpalatable mess. Lucy poured herself some milk and took it into her office/library.

An hour of writing later and Lucy felt wilted. She hoisted herself off her chair, took her empty glass and made her way down stairs. After depositing the dirty cup in the sink, Lucy rubbed her generous baby bump. "I shouldn't, but I think I want the left-over fire chicken from last night. Sound good baby?" Taking the vigorous kick as assent, Lucy fixed herself a plate. As it warmed she went to relieve the awful pressure on her bladder (the umpteenth time today!), then took her warm food into the living room.

After swaddling herself in an afghan, Lucy devoured her snack. Replete, sleepy, and comfortable, she decided to lay down where she was. That's how Natsu found her, snoring delicately as she hugged a throw pillow. Her hair was tangled, clothes dusted with food crumbs and a dirty plate of bones on the coffee table.

Natsu sent Happy out to purchase ice cream. His hot hands made it bothersome to do that task himself. Natsu tidied up the little messes Lucy had left scattered about their house. Years of married life had trained the slayer as nothing else could. As the baby sapped more of Lucy's energy, Natsu did the house-work Lucy was unable or unmotivated to do.

Bored, wanting the companionship of his better half, Natsu decided to wake Lucy. He brought the sack containing Mira's sandwich into the living room and unwrapped it. Natsu watched Lucy turn and squirm on the couch, still sleeping. She frowned and moaned, mumbling what his sharp ears determined was, 'please have mercy.'

Time to step it up a notch. Natsu lifted off the top piece of bread. Lucy clutched her stomach and rolled to her side. Stronger measures, then. Natsu held it closer to Lucy's nose.

She woke up, gasping and gagging. "Ugh! How many times are you going to do that to me?" Lucy struggled to sit up, "Give that to Happy and keep it away from me!"

"As many times as Mira's given that to you, you should love it by now!" Natsu laughed.

"Stop laughing or I'll feed it to you!" Lucy glared at her husband. An air current wafted another dose of the fragrant tuna under her nose and she struggled to her feet. She bolted to the bathroom. Sounds of her emptying her stomach rang throughout the house.

Aghast his prank had gone too far, Natsu disposed of the well-meant but gross sandwich. He hesitantly knocked on the bathroom door and entered once Lucy moaned, 'okay.' He patted her back and helped her stand upright. She walked to the sink and ran the water. Lucy rinsed her mouth several times before meeting Natsu's eyes in the mirror.

"The fire chicken did not taste good the third time around."

"Sorry Lucy, I didn't mean for you to get sick."

"It's not your fault - oh, wait, yes it is." Lucy grabbed her spare toothbrush. Each bathroom had spares for her morning, noon and night stomach upsets. She added a generous amount of toothpaste. "It's your fault none of my regular clothes fit. Your fault I can't eat sushi and your fault I have the sex drive of a nymphomaniac!" Managing to frown and pout, Lucy brushed her teeth ferociously.

"You say that like the last thing is bad!" Either brave or ludicrously foolish, Natsu hugged Lucy from behind, letting his hands cup her breasts. "Let me make you feel better. Mira did order me to rub your feet, but I can start from the top and work my way down."

"Depends." Lucy spat and rinsed her mouth, kinda digging on what Natsu was doing with his warm hands. Her hormones had lots of ideas of what to do with her husband. "Fix two of my problems."

Natsu leered. "How about I fix the one problem twice?"

"Hmmph. This offer will be closed in two minutes." Lucy stepped out of Natsu's embrace. She crossed her arms, shoving them under her bosom and over her mounding baby bump. "Choose wisely, I'll be in the bedroom."

"Sounds like you're going for my original deal." Natsu listened to Lucy stomp upstairs and collapse on the bed. Inspiration struck, he snapped his fingers and then raced outside.

Natsu raided the flower garden, chaining daisies and gerberas in a crown. He ran back inside to his and Lucy's bedroom to find Lucy slumbering again. Smiling, he placed the flower crown on her stomach and crawled into bed beside her. He spoke softly, "It's not clothes, but you fit a flower crown like a goddess." Natsu kissed Lucy's forehead and snuggled her in his arms. "I hope the nymphomaniac wakes up soon."

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