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Her day started as normal as it could be. Lucy had breakfast, she showered, she wrote a few lines for her new novel and went to the market in order to fill her violated fringe. Nothing out of the ordinary ... that's what she thought until the blonde entered the supermarket.

People were all over the place, rambling about free samples of cheese and fighting over the last box of chocolate cereals. Almost immediately, she regretted to pick the last day of the week to enter the war zone. Why was there only one supermarket for the whole city anyway? It was bound to get destroyed with all those hungry wizards lurking around. Natsu being the leader of them.

Still that wasn't what struck her as out of the norm. It was the sight of her best friend throwing a bunch of bananas at his black haired rival, who used the shopping trolley to shield himself from the attack. Meanwhile, Happy tied to eat a frozen fish while flying away from an enraged shop assistant. They just had to make a scene everywhere they go, didn't they.

"I don't know these people. I don't know these people," Lucy chanted, trying to hide behind one of the shelves. "I don't know them. Don't look over here. I don't know them!"

As if on cue, Natsu whipped his head around. "Lucy? Is that you? Come over here and help me pick a colour!"

Curse his enhanced hearing skill. All eyes were on her now, even the angry shop vendor shot her a glare as if she was responsible for those three idiots. She snatched a black hat from the grandma next to her and took a strand of her own hair, plucked it between her mouth and nose, so that it would look like a beard. Somewhat. She was a genius.

"Lucy? What do you like better? Silver or gold?"

What a weird question, she was dumbfounded for a second. Gray threw an apple at Natsu's head to shut him up. Then he whispered something into his ear. What the hell was going on between those two? She didn't like it when they were plotting something, that usually ended in chaos that had Makarov crying and Erza yelling. She decided it was better to get away from them now that wait for the inevitable chaos to ensue.

In her mind, the only way to achieve her escape was to continue her incredible acting.

"W-well, u-um you m-must have confused me with someone else," Lucy stuttered in a disguised voice. Well done, Natsu will surely be too confused to notice. "My name is Luc...elia and I come from far, far away."

"Lucy, did you hit your head or something?" Natsu raised a doubtful eyebrow. "I know your scent and you're really bad at disguising your voice."

"Besides, I think the old lady wants her hat back," Gray commented nonchalantly and pointed to the red-faced granny who shouted insults at the celestial wizard. Oh crap.

The blue cat flew circles above their heads and grinned evilly at Lucy. "Nice beard, weirdo!"

Awkward silence.

"Sorry! I no speak Japanese!?" She yelled embarrassed and made a run for it, dodging many confused people on her escape route.

The weird thing wasn't the way her friends were behaving. No, not at all, she was used to it already. It was the fact that they even went through the trouble of shopping at the supermarket. That was something she didn't expect to happen during her lifetime, since they either eat in the guild or invite themselves for dinner at her place. The latter being the reason for her frequent shopping trips, up to three times a week minimum.

The fact that they were there made her curious, but she wasn't insane enough to get close to the trio, just in order to spy on them. No, she'd probably have to pay for all the destruction they caused and she was already grasping at straws to pay off her rent. They already left a trail of destruction behind. A shopping cart, a bunch of bananas and a fish. Sigh.

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