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Natsu and Lucy just arrived outside the requesters home. She made her way up the stone pathway with Natsu following behind. She stood on the porch but before she even had a chance to knock, the door swung open. There stood a young man, no older than 19 with jet black hair that spiked in all directions before his bangs laid down partially blocking his deep hazel eyes. His build was similar to Natsu's yet he was just slightly taller. The mans eyes danced their way over Lucy's figure, taking in all her curves as a smirk crossed his lips.

Natsu stepped forward, a scowl visible on his features but Lucy failed to notice, being too busy gazing at the handsome man in front of her.

"May I help you fair maiden?" the man asked and Lucy was momentarily reminded of her lion spirit but ignored it as his eyes made contact with hers. Lucy couldn't even muster words together to answer the man leaving Natsu to do the task.

"We are here about the request sent to Fairy Tail," Natsu explained as a growl escaped his lips.

"Oh right, just this way please," the man said moving to the side allowing the two to pass. He lead them through the hall and into a living room on the right side of the house. It consisted of dark wood furniture with a dark brown couch that looked worn yet comfy.

This guy was clearly an artist with paint and paint brushes scattered everywhere. In the corner of the room stood an easil with a half finished painting sitting on it as others laid around it. Now that Lucy was finally able to tear her eyes away from the mans face, she let them roam down and noticed his black t-shirt and dark blue jeans, both with streaks, spots and smears of paint in all different shades and colors.

The walls were colorful yet masculine at the same time. The whole place had a modern yet artistic feel to it.

"Thank you for coming, my name is Takumi Masahito. And yours..." he trailed off as he waited for them to reply. His eyes never shifted off of Lucy as hers did the same in return.

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia," she said. Takumi then glanced towards Natsu who said nothing to answer the mans question. Natsu just sat there with a look of boredom etched on his face. He did this to hide the anger he felt inside at the way his teammate and this man have been acting.

He hated the way this guy looked at his best friend like she was some kind of peice of meat. It just angered him to no end. He wasn't even sure why. Natsu felt a painful jab to his ribs as he glanced over and saw Lucy glaring at him.

"Say you name idiot," she whispered as he looked at her confused.

"Natsu Dragneel," he spit out not looking over at the man that sat across from them. Takumi then decided it was time to explain the mission to them as his eyes stayed put on Lucy. It was like he had completely forgotten about Natsu being there. The man finally finished briefing them and Natsu felt better now that they would be able to leave this mans presence.

Natsu, not being able to wait to leave, quickly ran out of the room not realizing that he had left Lucy and Takumi all by themselves. Lucy just sighed as she followed Natsu out and onto the front porch. He stood at the bottom of the steps looking away from the house.

"Lucy, I can not wait for your return and maybe once you come back you can do me the honor of allowing me to take you on a date," Takumi said as he lightly brushed a kiss onto her hand. Lucy's face burned red and she was about to answer the man when she felt an arm wrap around her waist protectively. The arm pulled her into the chest of none other than her best friend and partner.

"Back off," Natsu warned glaring at the man in front of him. Natsu then turned around dragging a cherry red Lucy with him by the waist as a smile formed across his face.

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