to you, from ne

294 12 0

remember the scene during the tartaros arc when lucy is getting attacked by jackal? loke and virgo are occupied fighting, and as lucy goes underwater, memories of the guild appear and give her strength. natsu's voice, however, is the only one heard.


Natsu didn’t know where he was.

His thoughts were slow, his senses dulled, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t move. Darkness threatened to pull him back under, weirdly familiar and alarmingly comforting.

Part of him, a part he really didn’t want to focus on right now, thanks, wanted to surrender.

His hands and eyes burned hot. Absolutely not. He had a job to do, friends to meet up with, a damn guild to defeat. Never again would these people put their hands on his friends, his family, his―

Lucy. Where was Lucy?

The last thing Natsu remembered was the halls twisting, red goo appearing around him and the Celestial mage, gravity seeming to disappear as foreign forces ripped him away from his best friend.

Natsu dedicated all his energy to becoming free from whatever the hell had a hold on him. He would fight tooth, claw, and nail to get back to the surface, track down Lucy, and put an end to this fight, his style. The darkness clawed at his mind and body, and Natsu clawed back, feeling the fire grow in him―

A scream tore his attention away from the struggle. A cackle, followed by explosions, reached his ears, and all Natsu could do in this fleeting moment of awareness was listen as Lucy was attacked by whatever-the-fuck-his-name.

No. No!

The interruption was all it took. The curse magic wrapped around his mind and pinned his hands to his sides, leaving him with nothing but a choking feeling of helplessness.

Fuck that. Summoning all power he had left, Natsu reached out with his magic, pouring every ounce of faith, strength, and warmth. “Lucy!”

As his consciousness slipped back under, Natsu felt her magic― golden and warm and bright― reach back, reigniting his hope into a glowing ember, ready and waiting to flame to life once again.

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