A dance of stars

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Another shooting star streaked across the inky sky. Lucy leaned back, moving her hand on the grass to help support her posture. She craned her head as far back as was comfortable and scanned the heavens.

Natsu blushed as her fingers brushed his own. He gulped, almost choking on his spit. Already nervous from the close proximity, her sweet scent wreaked havoc on his pulse.

"So pretty!" Lucy gushed, "Aren't you glad you let me pick where we had our date?"

"It's not as exciting as fireworks, but I guess it's okay." Natsu said, "A tasty bonfire would be even better."

Lucy fastened her gimlet gaze upon the slayer, a growl in her voice. "You only ever think about your stomach."

"Not true!" He pouted. "But the contents of my stomach are worrying me."

"Fine. We can go and feed that bottomless pit. You already finished all the food from the picnic, so let's go back to my apartment." Lucy moved to kneel and began to gather her belongings.

She stopped when Natsu grabbed her hand and shook his head. He opened and closed his mouth, throat working but no words leaving. Taking a deep breath, Natsu tried again. "I'm nervous. Feels like there's rocks rolling around my gut. What's wrong with me?"

"Oh!" Lucy smiled and moved closer to Natsu. "I think I know."

"Tell me!"

"Later." Lucy grinned. "Seems you're not hungry, so right now we should watch the sky."

"You know something." Natsu let his petulance show in the tenor of his voice. "You gotta promise to tell me."

Lucy giggled and let her shoulder bump into Natsu's. "Shh. Look at all the pretty stars."

Natsu fell silent and watched the stars wheel above him and his date. The wind made the trees and bushes around them rustle. Lucy flinched as a far-off animal howled; she crowded closer and Natsu hummed, pleased.

Lucy shifted her eyes from the sky down to Natsu. He was gazing rapt up at the sky, his mouth open, lips in an 'o'. She and he were new to dating, but their feelings were strong and steady. The sky was magnificent, but inconsequential compared to spending time with each other.

It took Natsu a long time to work up the courage to kiss Lucy under the display of stars, but it was more than he'd dreamed. Lucy returned his passion, kissing him back with just as much enthusiasm. Long minutes passed as the young lovers expressed their long pent passion.

An owl hooting startled the both of them and they broke their kiss. Racing hearts calming, they made small talk picking up the picnic detritus. Natsu bowed his head, apologizing for turning their star watching date into a make-out session.

Lucy smiled at Natsu. "I wouldn't change anything that happened tonight for the world. Your kisses knock me silly." She held out her hands and smiled wider as he took them. "I've seen plenty of stars before, but tonight you made them dance."

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