Be there to catch you

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That was the only thought running through Natsu's head. He could see a pair of brown eyes, a single tear falling, from the one on the left. There was so much emotion.

The joy, that all her friends, her guild, everyone, were safe. The anger, that she had fallen into such a trap, anger, over the fact, that she had inwardly caused so much chaos. Grief, that she wouldn't get live to see tomorrow.

Her lips were curved into a small smile, sad but determined. It was inevitable.


Not on his watch.

Black. That's the first thing he noticed when he opened his eyes.

" He's stirring. Erza, Grey, everybody- "

"Where am I? " Natsu asked as he sat up, shaking his head to clear the fogginess.

Erza looked upset. "You don't remember? The huge explosion? We're on Kanaloa now. "

Natsu looked around at the concerned faces of his guild mates, his head still spinning from the recent events. Erza, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Gajeel and countless others. But someone was missing. "Where's Lucy?"

Erza exchanged glances with Gray before replying. "We're still looking for her. But it's impossible to predict - "

And suddenly it all came back to Natsu in a flash. The Legion Platoon. The Infinity Clock. The Neo Oracion Seis. Imitatia. The Explosion.

Lucy had altered the sense of time for all the celestial wizards in a comatose state, bringing it forward a hundred years. The result was that the clock parts scattered, along with her.

She's still out there. Natsu was sure of it. He couldn't lose her. Not again. He had to find her.

"I have to go look for her!" Natsu said as he made get up. "

"No you're still not fully recovered from your battle with Midnight! " Gray protested.

"It far too dangerous - "

"I don't care!" He replied as he jumped off the giant purple octopus.

Natsu glanced up at the sky, watching a thousand shooting stars in the night sky. One of them was Lucy. He was sure of it.

He suddenly caught a scent thar was different from the rest. He sniffed harder. It smelled like... Lucy. He knew where she was. Natsu caught sight of a flash in the sky. It was a star. His star.

Adreline pumped through his veins as Natsu ran faster, he had to reach her. He sprinted through the forest on rough terrain.

His foot caught hold of a rock and he tumbled to the ground. Fatigue caught up to him. He couldn't do it.

You have to Natsu. For Luce. You have to save Lucy. A memory passed through his head, as he got up, running faster than ever.

"Natsu!" He heard her yell as she tumbled down, full force from Master Jose's clutches.

"Lucy!" He had cried out as he reached her before she hit the ground. The two fell down. Sure they had cuts and bruises. But she was alive. And that's all that mattered.

Like a whirlwind, he lept up, catching her as they fell to the ground.

Lucy had seen him. From the moment he begin to run. Their eyes had met for a split second as he stared up at the night sky, while her eyes darted in search of her saviour.

Tears fell from her eyes as he fell, her heart rejoicing at his conviction as got back up again.

And now, she opened her eyes, as he pulled his head out of the debris. Seeing him, alive and well, Lucy collapsed into his chest, crying her eyes out.

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