Nine lives || The meeting

290 18 1

Lucy Heartfilia sighs and blows some of her blonde fringe out of her eyes.

It's a busy day at Mirajane's—the coffee shop she is currently employed at—and the place is bustling with customers and baristas alike. She has a five minute break, and she's taking full advantage of it. Especially since she's eleven and she's been going nonstop since seven this morning.

There's usually a break in consumer traffic from eleven-fifteen to three, and for that she is glad. Mirajane's is pretty much the Holy Grail when it comes to coffee shops around Magnolia, and the blonde could swear that at least more than half of the students attending Magnolia University stop by during the day.

On the bright side, she makes some amazing tips.

She wipes some beads of sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand and glances over the patrons in the shop. Truthfully, this isn't even her preferred line of work. She went to college all for the sake of getting what she needed to become a writer. But alas, two months ago—after graduation—she was up the river in student loans and debt and barely scraping by. Her rent was three weeks late and her tyrant of a landlady was threatening to literally throw her out of her beloved cottage and she had no idea what to do.

That's where Mirajane comes in.

Lucy had gone to school with the woman's younger sister, and she'd quickly become friends with the two. The blonde had spent her fair share of time writing papers and buying caramel macchiatos during her four years of college as well, and one day she had shared her plight with Mira.

The next day she'd called with a job offer and thus how Lucy had gotten to where she is today.

A struggling author trying to make it in the real world, working at a coffee shop during the day and writing by night.

She couldn't really complain though. It wasn't like her life was a complete trainwreck. She has friends—they're like a second family, to replace her crappy and dead one—she has money, and she has a nice place to live.

"Hey Lucy, time to switch, okay?"

The blonde snaps out of her thoughts and smiles at Kianna. "Sure, sorry. You've been working hard today too, I wouldn't want to leave all the caffeine-craving customers to you."

Her coworker laughs and slides past her to get a cup of water. Lucy smooths out her apron, tightens her ponytail, and takes a deep breath before stepping back up to the machines lined up on the counter. She barely gets there before Cana is calling out more orders for her.

Lucy can't help but smile as she flips the nozzle for decaf.




"You sure you can handle the shop by yourself?" Cana questions, brow raised heavenward and bag slung over her shoulder.

Kianna hangs her apron on her assigned hook and turns to look at the blonde. "Yeah Lucy. You'll be alright?"

The barista rolls her eyes and nods. "Yes. Seriously guys, I'll be fine. I've done it before, remember? Jeez, is this the kind of faith you have in your friends?" she waves her hands in a shooing motion. "Now, go on you two. Kianna, you have a date with Erik, and Cana has a date with a bottle of red wine."

Her brunette friend scoffs. "Yeah, yeah. We just worry for you, Lucy."

"Well you shouldn't. I'll be okay. If anyone tries to rob Mira's, I'll give 'em the worst kick between the knees they've ever received. Then I'll call the police. Yes."

Cana snorts and grabs her coat. "Whatever you say, blondie. Alright Kianna, let's ditch this place. Lucy's right—I got a bottle of something special at home, and maybe someone to share it with if he comes. I don't wanna be late to my own party. Night Lucy!"

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