A little cosplay

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Ever since they had started dating, Natsu had picked up an interesting habit. He frequently took showers at Lucy's place.

On the one hand, Lucy wasn't too thrilled about it. He was prone to making a mess, and she feared her bathroom would be a casualty to his slovenly nature.

On the other hand, at least he was bathing.

Every time he went to shower, his clothes were shed en route. Sandals were kicked off at the door, jacket or vest draped over a chair. His scarf and pants mercifully remained on until he got to the bathroom. Lucy didn't know if she could handle even the idea of him walking around her apartment in the altogether.

The thought alone made her blush no matter how intimate their relationship was...and it was pretty intimate.

Old habits died hard, indeed.

She usually just left his clothes where they lay. Today, however, she felt a bit playful and silly.

That jacket of his was calling her name.

So she let impulse take over and slipped it on over her shorts. Zipped it up, fastened the belt. Realized just how different their physiques were.

Then she stood in front of the mirror doing poses that were silly and very much like Natsu.

He chuckled.

She froze, blushed.

"Looks good on you. You're missing something though."

The look on his eyes was absolutely devilish. Lucy gulped, not sure what he was up to.

He didn't waste any time. He wrapped his scarf around her then pulled her into his arms.

"It's only right that my girl gets to wear my scarf when she steals my clothes."

A sweet kiss.

Suddenly Lucy was very glad she decided to try a little cosplay...

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