Fallen Star finale

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Two years had passed by and before they all knew it, he, Lucy, and their friends from Fairy Tail were all graduates from Fairy Tail Academy. All papers were thrown away, uniforms tucked away in the corners of their closets, yearbooks signed and shoved at the top of the book shelf, graduation cap and gowns hung, and the Fairy Tail Academy graduates were ready to start their new lives.

Natsu grunted as he carried a box of Lucy's things from Erza's apartment to the trash bin downstairs. He didn't understand why Lucy was throwing so much of her stuff away instead of saving it for college. As far as he knew, she was going to be attending Magnolia University in the fall. She would be needing most of this stuff.

"Lucy! Are you sure you don't want any of this stuff in here?" He eyed the teddy bear that sat at the corner of the box, an old jacket of hers that she used to love to wear all high school, and other things that could still be used.

"Yeah! I'm sure!" She shouted from the room. The rosette shrugged his shoulders and climbed down the stairs. "Alright! But don't come crying to me later when you regret it."

Poking her head out of the door, she glared at him with a scowl resting on her eyes. "If I wanted it, I would keep it in this box over here."

He shrugged as he continued taking flight downstairs.

When he made it back upstairs, Lucy was sitting in the middle of her room, staring at a photo in her hand. He looked over her shoulder and widened his eyes at the photo she was clutching so fiercely.

"I'm debating whether I want to keep this or not." She slowly said as her voice was trembling.

Natsu scowled and almost told her to throw it away, but that would be so hypocritical of him to do so. If he was going to have her to throw away the photo in her hand, he might as well throw out the scarf wrapped around his neck.

"It reminds me of the happier times. When mama was still alive and we we're an actual family." She clutched the photo close to her chest and that's when Natsu knew that answer to her question.

"Keep it, obviously." The blonde looked up at him with uncertain eyes and the rosette gave her a small smile.

"You weirdo," He patted her head, "If it means that much to you, obviously keep it. It serves for a good memory before… you know, everything else."

She offered him a grateful smile as she stood and tucked it away in her wallet. Still curious as to why Lucy was throwing away practically her whole life, he casted her a suspicious glance.

"Hey Luce?"

"Yeah?" She called out to him without sparring him another glance.

"If you're only going to Magnolia University, why are you throwing away like everything you own? Aren't you going to need half of this stuff anyway?" He could see Lucy's shoulders tense slightly at his question.

She turned to face him with that sweet, sweet smile of hers. "Think of it as a sort of spring cleaning in the summer. I won't really need any of this at the university. I can start new."

Natsu supposed it made sense, but he was still confused.

Something seemed off with the blonde haired girl sitting in front of him. He couldn't put his finger on it, but Natsu got the idea that Lucy was hiding something from him. What it was? That he wasn't sure of.

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