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Lucy stood on the stage proudly, listening to Master Makarov's speech as he praised the wizards who were about to receive their prestigious rewards. She hadn't expected to be asked to help present awards of this magnitude, but with Laxus away on a mission, Master had asked if she would mind filling in. How could she refuse?

The first part of the ceremony was the usual blah blah blah, where the Mayor of Hargeon offered his thanks for the brave heroes' deeds. The Mayor of Magnolia expressed his pride in the prestige Fairy Tail wizards brought to the city.

Lucy could barely pay attention. She sat in her chair, forcing herself to stay still, but found herself scanning the front row for her best friend's face. It was hard to see him because of the stage lights, but his unruly pink hair was a dead giveaway. The other two honourees had dressed up (sort of). Gajeel wore dress pants and a dress shirt. Yes, he'd cut off both sleeves at the top of his arm...but it was still a dress shirt. That said, it was a miracle Gray wore clothes at all, let alone the sharp ensemble of dress pants, a clean t-shirt, and a casual jacket. Natsu wore his regular clothes, spots of mud still splattered on his legs from yesterday's mission.

He caught her eye, waving excitedly, so she winked back at him. She was ridiculously proud of him. It was, afterall, every wizard's dream to achieve S-Class...and Natsu had fought harder than anyone for the guild, for Magnolia, and even for Fiore.

"Tonight, we have not one promotion, but three to make," Master Makarov announced as he sat on top of the podium, "This is a first in Fairy Tail history, because as you know, there can only be one new S-class wizard each year...but given the circumstances, how could I pick just one?"

Finally...we're getting to the good part of the ceremony!

Lucy guessed that Natsu was thinking the same way, based on the way he couldn't sit still. She was proud of him for lasting that long. Still, she really wished she could wipe the mud off his shoes without anyone noticing.

"In addition, to finally passing their S-Class trials on Tenrou Island," Master Makarov continued, "These brave, young wizards also managed to stop the invasion on Hargeon without a single thought to their own safety. They accomplished this by working together. That is the epitome of the Fairy Tail way. And so, it is with the utmost pride that I present S-Class status to each of you. Congratulations, Children. We look forward to seeing great things from you in the future. Ladies and Gentlemen of Fiore, please welcome our brave wizards."

The crowd rose to their feet, cheering uproariously as Gray, Gajeel and Natsu took their places on the stage.

Mira stepped forward, handing half the rewards to Lucy to pass out.

"Gray Fullbuster," Master Makarov called.

Gray shook Mira's hand, leaning forward to accept the shiny new medal over his head. She kissed his cheek, then sent him to Lucy.

"I'm so happy for you, Gray," Lucy whispered as she passed him his S-Class certificate. She too leaned forward, kissing his cheek. He took his place on the sidelines, his face beaming. Lucy could feel Juvia's enraged death glare from somewhere in the crowd, but she did her best to ignore it. Perhaps she would take it out on Mira instead of her for once. Mira had, afterall, set the precedence by kissing him first.

"Gajeel Redfox," Makarov announced.

Gajeel stepped forward, a shit-eating grin on his face. Mira presented him with his medal, pecking him lightly on the cheek. Gajeel didn't need to be told to go to Lucy next. He strode up to her cockily, bending low so she could reach his cheek.

"Congrats, Gajeel," Lucy whispered to him as she passed him his certificate, "Don't eat your medal, okay?"

She kissed his cheek lightly. Gajeel growled at the teasing, but the permagrin didn't leave his face as he joined Gray on the side of the stage.

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