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It had been the usual fun and games post a burn down.

There had been the typical yelling, some scolding and some cheeky laughter on his part (with some unspoken prayers of Erza being in a good mood) while everyone coughed and sneezed a bit as a result of the debris.

The usual.

That is, he realised, until Lucy's coughing wouldn't stop.

Long after they had been reprimanded by the city Mayor, the citizens and even some of the burglars and quite some time after being thrown out of the city, Lucy was still coughing.

"You alright there Lucy?" asked Gray, mildly concerned, rubbing her back in an attempt to help.

"Oh yeah," she said, her voice slightly raspy. "Probably got something stuck in there."

Natsu watched from over his shoulder, suddenly aware of how she seemed to be far more tired than she should have been, her posture hunched over, belying her fatigue.

And how her breathing was so audibly laboured.

A few minutes later, he began picking up an awful coarse whistling noise as well. Natsu felt his heart pang painfully when he realised the horrid sound was coming from Lucy's lungs.

She was wheezing.

Resting her hands on her waist, hunched over, she desperately pulled in air, having stopped any attempt at walking in favour of trying to catch her breath.

"Lucy!" Natsu called worriedly, running over to her side. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she wheezed out. "Just..just a bit breathless."

"It may be the smoke you inhaled," Erza voiced. "You were pretty close to the fallen building."

Lucy nodded weakly, not able to reply and Natsu felt an overwhelming wave of guilt.

He caused this.

Suddenly memories of an exasperated Lucy scolding him for setting buildings on fire wasn't funny anymore.

Shaking his head, he below her offering his back.

"Hop on, it'll be easier."

Lucy limply draped herself on his back, allowing him to carry her.

With the new proximity, her laboured breathing was even more audible, each incident of the sound driving new barbs of hurt and guilt straight through him.

Wendy was with Porlyusica and Happy had stayed back with her and Carla. He had rejected the use of the magic-fuelled automobile and so now the fastest way to get Lucy well was to bring her to the healing lady. In Magnolia. On foot.

Which made even the overnight distance of the town from Magnolia seem too much.

'Damn it all!' Natsu cursed, gritting his teeth in anguish.

The whole team had ensured a brisk pace, everyone in a hurry to get Lucy the treatment she needed, but come dusk and Lucy insisted everyone rested and leave in the morning.

And much to Natsu's chagrin, she did make sense.

So he set her down against a tree, while the rest set up a fire, the sleeping bags and got dinner ready.

Lucy didn't eat much, claiming to be full but fooling nobody.

With dinner ready, Erza moved to where Lucy was sitting, gently brushing a blond lock away from her face.

"Are you certain about making this halt, Lucy? One night of walking won't be too hard on any of us."

"That's alright Erza. It's been a long day."

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