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"Take a deep breath, and you'll hit your target," Lucy whispered to herself, her voice lighter than the gentle breeze that tickled her skin.

She used the shadows that were provided by the green leaves as a shield. The shade sprinkled across her body, like fairy dust. Just one misstep and Lucy's effort to remain hidden would be a waste; she couldn't afford to have anyone or anything on the ground notice her. This was her first mission to hunt in the woods, after all.

Lucy's fingers clung onto her makeshift bow with all her strength as she angled it downwards, ready to release the arrow at any given moment. The sound of the arrow stretching back usually soothed her, but now, she was more anxious than she had ever been.

Her aim wasn't exactly the bestalright, scratch that. Her aim was absolutely horrible.

No matter how hard she tried, how many hours she practiced, and how much magic she used, Lucy just couldn't shoot an arrow properly. It was only once in a blue moon when she actually hit her target. But after finally getting the chance to go on a mission by herself for once, she couldn't help herself. She needed to feel what it was like to hunt alone. Even if she wasn't able to aim well, that wasn't going to stop her from trying.

"Something's coming," she realized immediately. These were the perks of being a fairyshe was able to hear the faintest footsteps even if they were over a mile away.

Lucy stayed as still as she possibly could as she stealthily waited for whomever was coming. The woods had always comforted her, but it was at times like this where her body was entirely tense. By how faint the footsteps sounded, she was sure the animal approaching her was a deer.

Slightly shifting her weight to get into a better position, she anticipated the moment where she would be able to free her arrow and send it flying into her first reward. She was confident she would be able to aim at a deer, as long as it didn't notice her. She could already feel the victory at her fingertips.

Lucy held her breath when she was able to hear the footsteps loud and clear. She was expecting for a deer with chocolate brown fur to shortly come into view; however, her body became frozen when she was met with a head of pink hair.

"What the—" she gasped in surprise, not aware of how clammy her hands had become. Then, before she could stop it, she felt the arrow move on its own.

"No, wait!" she whispered frantically as she started to lose her grip on the arrow. She cringed as the bow's string did a soft pluck. With that, the arrow had vanished.

"What the hell?!" a voice roared seconds after Lucy's mind registered what just happened.

Lucy didn't hesitate to drop her bow and quickly speed down to the ground to where the blood curdling yell came from. Her jaw fell with horror at the sight she flew down to.

"I am so sorry!" she exclaimed, promptly falling to her knees and hunching down to the ground. "I am so sorry!"

"What did you do to me?" the boy groaned at his blood-stained shirt.

Lucy lifted her head slightly, peeking at where her arrow had landed. Her eyes widened once she saw that it had struck him in the center of his right shoulder. His hand covered his wound, and she knew by the amount of red on his shirt, she needed to act fast.

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