Mr. G.Reaper

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"How odd," Mira mused out loud as she pinned up the latest requests on the board. "We have a request from a Mr G Reaper. Isn't that funny?"

The guild members instantly fell silent at that as they felt cold chills down their spine and prickles on the back of their neck.

Mr G Reaper….

Even Natsu got that one.


Mira jumped as it felt like every member had suddenly screamed at her. Impossible, she knows, as several members were actually out on jobs, like Team Shadow Gear, and Erza (because God knows that if Erza was here no one would have dared shouted something like that), and Wendy and Charle.

"You can do it!" Gray suddenly shot to Natsu. "You're recklessly stupid enough!"

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"You know exactly what I mean!" Gray barked. "You idiot."

"Why you-"

"I think you're all being ridiculous," Lucy declared as she took the job off of the board and began to read it. "The poor guy just has an unfortunate surname that's all. And it's not anything dangerous either! He only wants us to-"

"You're not doing it!" Natsu snapped as he suddenly tore the request out of Lucy's hands. "Old Grimy got his hands on you once thanks to that poncy, stupidly gay looking, version of Rogue. I'm not letting him near you again. In fact," he suddenly swept Lucy up in a fireman's lift, "I think I better tie you to your bed before you decide to pet a hellhound or have tea with Zeref."

"Ooh," Cana slurred, "kinky!"

"NATSU!" Lucy screamed. "Let me go! You're being fucking ridiculous. It's just a name. A surname at that, for all we know that G could stand for anything, Greg, Gordon, Gavin, Geoffrey, it doesn't haven't to be Grim, and-"

Natsu slapped Lucy's bottom causing everyone's jaw to drop. "I said no!" he said firmly. "Let the icy bastard or that jerk Gajeel visit the Grim Reaper. You're staying here, with me, alive. And that's final."

"No one is doing it," Master said sternly from the bar. "Lord knows you tempt death regularly as it is, you're not going to his house like a bunch of reckless, stupid, brats you act like ninety nine per cent of the time."

As if to prove his point Lucy was trying to strangle Natsu with her legs while he determinedly carried her out of the guild in order to keep her safe from herself.

Fortunately Magnolia was too used to these sort of weird events to ask questions but it certainly embarrassed everyone else.

(Meanwhile, poor Mr Graham Reaper wondered why no one would accept his request. He sighed heavily as even Fairy Tail refused him and they accepted any job! It was the fifth rejection he received and he was now beginning to lose hope that he'll ever find a babysitter for his dogs while he went on holiday.)

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