GMG Lucy vs. Flare

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Ever wondered what Natsu was thinking while Lucy was fighting Flare. I know I did, so I decided to add it in.

I looked at Lucy as she faced off against Flare with a defiant look on her face. I couldn't help but wonder what made her so angry all of a sudden, as I rarely saw that look on her face.

"Lucy!" I yelled "show her the results of your training!"

In hope to encourage her. Erza shouted to her "If you win here, we can still go on!"

I couldn't help but think 'way to put the pressure Erza' and Elfman said "Kick her ass!"

The look on Lucy's face darkened and she determinedly said "Count on me! I swear I'll win!"

I looked at her in approval. I could distinctly make out the other guild members talking about the match and Raven Tail. The announcer guy whose name I still didn't know announced "Apparently, the masters of these two guilds are father and son, Yajima-san!" and I blinked having forgotten that detail.

Yajima replied "True, but if they bear the insignia of different guilds, it doesn't matter if they're parent and child."

I couldn't help but agree. Of course it didn't matter Fairy Tail was like a second and sometimes better family. The model girl (Kenny?) whined "It's so dramatic! I'm getting the chills!" I shook it off and decided to focus on Lucy's match.

The pumpkin guy had told them to come forward and that the entire area would be the battlefield and he hoped Lucy would win. He told them that they had thirty minutes and the stupid red-haired girl said "B-Blondie…"

Lucy responded by saying "I'm not going to lose!" The pumpkin explained the rules and as soon as he said go Lucy reacted.

First if I may add.

"Here I go! Gate of the Golden Bull I open thee! Taurus!" I wondered why she had to call out the pervy bull. Even when they visited the spirit world he kept on calling Lucy his 'Nice Body'. No bull dude, Lucy is not yours, she is mine. Wait. His head shot up. Did I really just say Lucy was MINE? I meant my team mate right? I shook of the thought.

He yelled something I couldn't be less bothered to know about and attacked Glare (AU: I know it's Flare, it's just that Natsu never gets names right) while the announcer guy was all like "A Celestial Spirit and one of the zodiac."

Yeah buddy we knew that a long time ago get to the point. Lucy pulled out another key and my eyes widened. I had heard from Loke about how his previous owner had tried opening two gates and died.

Lucy knew that story surely she wouldn't... "Gate of the Scorpion, I open thee! Scorpio!"

I sighed she would. Scorpio went "We are! Here I go!" and I sweatdropped anime style at Lucy's spirits attitude. At least this one (even if he was a guy) didn't hit on Lucy or make pervy comments about her, I thought rolling my eyes.

He could hear Bisca and Alzack being in shock that Lucy could summon two spirits at once. I chuckled at their words. Of course I was shocked too, but I wasn't going to say so. Hell if I did. Scorpio shot a tornado of sand at that Blare and she used her hair to stop it. My eyes widened was that fire lining her hair? I couldn't help but blurt out "Her hair got longer?!" I heard Elfman say "She's guarding with it?" and wondered what Lucy would do next.

As if she had read my mind she commanded her spirits saying "Taurus! Use Scorpio's sand!"

Use his sand? How was the bull supposed to use sand?

The bull cried out "Mooo! Perfect! Absorb! And the sand rushed into his axe. 'I see so that's how' I thought. Scorpio encouraged him by saying "Go Taurus! We!" The bull leapt at Tlare and shouted "Sandstorm Axe! Aldebaran!"

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