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This is the story of how I died.

Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story. Well, it isn't even mine, this is the story of a girl named, Lucy. It starts with the sun. Once upon a time, a drop of sunlight fell from the sky. It had fallen to the ground and created a flower. A powerful flower that could heal the sick and injured.

A man, a man of no good wanted to take this flower. But we'll get back to him later. Anyway, a queen of the name of Layla and her husband king Jude Heartfilia had raised up a village and they lived in a huge castle. But the queen fell ill, very ill. The king had heard of the magic flower and ordered their guards to take it to save his wife.

The old man had hid it well, but had made a mistake along the way which had ultimately saved queen Layla. You see, this man wanted to harness the power for himself to stay young and all he had to do was sing a special little song.

Flower gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

You get the jist. The man would sing this and turn younger, creepy i know. Well, the flower was taken to heal the queen and thus a healthy baby girl was born. You probably already know who I'm talking about, that's right, Lucy Heartfilia. She was absolutely beautiful, her golden hair shimmering.

But that old man wanted to take it. He had found out where baby Lucy was and tried to cut her hair, but it only turned brown and never grew again. The man stole Lucy and took her away and just like that she was gone.

Every royal guard went looking for her. Everyone searched and searched, but she was no where to be found. Little did they know, she was taken to a hidden tower deep within the forest. The old man took care of her while she stayed there, making sure to keep her there so that he could stay young forever.

This man's name was Jose.

"-let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine...what once was mine." The little girl paused as her father combed her hair. "Daddy? Why can't I go outside?" The man only frowned and stopped brushing her hair.

"The world is a dangerous place, my child. You must never leave this tower." Little Lucy stiffened at his stern voice. She then slumped slightly and nodded.

"Yes father."


She woke up to sounds of birds chirping. She made sure to stretch as well as she could before sitting up, scratching her back. Looking around, she found her blue little cat lying down beside her. He always looked so peaceful. She giggled as he stirred and finally opened one eye.

"Morning Happy." The small blue cat yawned and purred, rubbing up against her arm like he did every morning.

"Morning Lucy. Did you sleep well?" Lucy nodded and picked him up, setting him down on the floor. She quickly changed into the dress she always wore. It was pink with slightly puffy stripped sleeves while she had sheer sleeves with lace embroidery edging on the sleeves. At her torso held a multi corset panel with lacing, the rest of the dress flowed down beautifully while panels filled the flow. She grinned and spun around.

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