Leave it down

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Standing in front of the vanity, Lucy fixes her white sleeveless dress. She quickly puts on her makeup with deft hands before smiling at her reflection in the mirror. All she has to do now is style her hair.

That is difficult, to choose a hairstyle that goes perfectly with her gorgeous dress. Should she do a bun, a ponytail or a loose braid? Maybe her regular style? Frustrated, Lucy pulls out a white hairtie from one of the boxes.

A high ponytail will do. Holding the tie between her teeth, the blonde pulls up her silky long hair.

"You look stunning, Luce."

Lucy pauses to look at her husband through the mirror. Natsu is dressed in a white shirt, buttoned up and sleeves rolled up to elbow. A pair of black jeans and matching ankle boots.

Even with less efforts, he always manages to look so attractive. As if Lucy can ever complain.

"Thank you, Natsu." She smiles.

"By the way, you're checking me out sweetheart." The salmon haired man cheekily reminds, a smirk playing across his lips.

"Because you look really handsome? Yes." Lucy retorts, letting go of her hair as they hang loosely over her shoulder. She turns around to him.

"Well, thank you m'lady." Natsu moves to press a soft kiss to her head. "You ready then?"

Lucy groans, "No, I haven't done my hair yet." Natsu then delicately runs a hand through her shiny strands, a few falling before her eyes.

"Leave them like this, you look prettier with your hair down."

Lucy stares at him for a moment before breaking into a smile, her brown orbs shining in light.

"I do?"

Taking Natsu's extended arm, Lucy beams up at the man. "You look pretty in anything, but I have preferences."

"And again, congratulations wifey, for being the best novelist for the third time in a row. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, wouldn't have made it this far without you in my life."

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