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Lucy selected another burr, grasping firmly and pulling it free with a single tug. Natsu growled and muttered but didn't do anything else to distract Lucy from her task. She combed through another patch of his spiky hair and clipped a barrette (this one yellow with polka dotted pink stars) to keep the cleaned hair free of new debris.

"What made you dive into that patch of brambles?" Lucy couldn't keep her amusement from her voice. Natsu had been acting oddly for about a week now, but he wouldn't say what was on his mind. Now he was at her mercy, and if he didn't want to lose even more hair, he'd have to come clean. Tugging at another burr with a wee bit more enthusiasm than necessary, Lucy said, "Tell me."

Natsu sighed. He knew Lucy had the upper hand. There were still lots more burrs lodged in his hair, and everyone else he could think of who could assist him would leave him way more scalped than his partner. He shuddered, Erza would have pulled out several swords and shorn him bald without further discussion. Gray would have laughed and hurled insults before trying to freeze his whole head solid. Happy was covered in fur, he'd end up wearing whatever he combed out. Gajeel might take the opportunity and sing as he pulled the burrs. Bleh.

Lucy was his only hope, but if he didn't distract her, she might wriggle his secret from him. Natsu craned his head off Lucy's lap and smirked. "Why didn't you just ask Cancer to fix my hair? It woulda been more easier."

Plump lips firmed, a hint of pink rose on her cheeks; Lucy's voice was steady as she answered. "I didn't want to bother him, I can't call him out for every little thing."

"Tch. Keeping my hair beautiful ain't a little thing." Natsu rolled, presenting Lucy with the nape of his neck. "I got more here too."

Lounging on her lap, his chest covered by an old vest, the feel of his skin sparked something in his partner. His complete trust gentled Lucy's hands as she combed another clump of brambles and removed them. "You haven't told me why yet."

His shoulders tensed and then relaxed. "Then it won't be a surprise."

"You, getting into scrapes isn't a surprise."

Natsu scrambled up and sat in the corner of the sofa. "You're gonna say it's stupid."

"Pfft. When have I ever said anything like that?"

Natsu stared into Lucy's big brown eyes. Lucy was right. She was always kind unless he was interrupting her bath or if he was caught rummaging in her underwear drawer or if he and Happy were making comments about her love of greasy food. He grinned. "Naw, you're right. I guess I can tell you."

Lucy dropped the tools in her hands and turned to face Natsu. "And?"

"I was hunting a pair of bunnies."

Lucy beetled her brows, confused. "Why?"

"That's the surprise part." Natsu glanced down at his hands. He laced his fingers together and played with his thumbs. "I wanted to give you a gift that you'd never expect."

"That's … sweet, Natsu." Lucy drew her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. "But I wouldn't want to take any animal away from its family."

"I know!" Ardent to make his point, Natsu leaned over to set his hands on Lucy's shoulders. "That's why it was a pair, so they'd have each other as well as you."

"But why a gift for me at all?" Lucy was getting warm feeling. Natsu was kneeling now, face to face with her. His enthusiasm made her heart thump faster.

"It's your birthday soon and I wanted you to like my present the best."

Lucy hugged Natsu, awkwardly mashing his face and body to hers. "This is what they mean when it's the thought that counts. Thanks."

"You this means you don't want any animals?" Natsu blushed, still trapped in Lucy's embrace.

The blonde giggled and released Natsu. She picked up her brush and pointed to her lap. "I'm not done with the burr removal. Lay back down so I can finish fixing your hair."

"So do you or don't you want an animal?"

"Natsu," Lucy stroked his hair, "you're all the animal I can handle."

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