You, me, PJ's, pizza, bed.

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Natsu dropped his bag by the door, toeing off his shoes before making his way to the couch where he fell back onto the plush cushions with a deep sigh.

Lucy popped out of the bedroom.

"Hey, you!" Lucy greeted. Her bright smile already soothing his tired mind.

"Hi, Luce," Natsu murmured, giving her a warm smile as she plopped on the couch next to him.

"Welcome home," she whispered against his lips before giving him a soft lingering kiss.

Natsu hummed into the kiss, wrapping an arm around her to bring her flush against him and pulling her legs over his lap.

"You're the best thing to come home to, babe," he said after they broke apart, placing a quick kiss on her forehead.

Lucy giggled softly, settling her head against the crook of his neck.

"Long day at the station?"

"Yeah," Natsu sighed, his head falling back against the couch as his fingers traced patterns on her thigh. "tiring, but good."

"How about you? Busy day at the office?"

"Ugh, a couple people were out today and we were scrambling to cover for them. So it was hectic most of the day," Lucy grumbled.

"Mm, I'm sorry." Natsu's other hand coming up to brush through some of her golden strands.

"It's ok, just glad the day is over. You always make it better," Lucy breathed, her arm squeezing around his waist.

Natsu chuckled softly, "I try my best."

A comfortable silence settled over them for several moments. The only sounds coming from the random show on the TV in the background.


Lucy hummed in acknowledgment against his chest.

"You, me, PJ's, pizza, bed. Well, the PJ's are optional."

Lucy barked out a laugh as she came back up slightly, "Natsu!" Hitting him playfully on his shoulder.

"What? Sounds like a pretty good plan to me," he teased, a toothy wide grin emerging. A teasing glint in his emerald eyes.

"Hmm, it is perfect actually," Lucy grinned, leaning forward to wrap her arms around his neck, "any plan with you is always perfect," she whispered between them before capturing his lips in a deep kiss he was more than happy to reciprocate.

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