Truly beautiful

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She always hated compliments. They felt forced and tedious to hear. Every time she wore a new dress that she adored, it became a disgust article of wealth by the end of the night. She didn’t need anyone to tell her that she was beautiful. whether she believed them or not, she didn’t care to hear.

“You radiate a thousand stars.”

“The gods above are jealous of your beauty!”

“I would die for your looks!”

It made her sick to her stomach to have a mass amount of people fawn over her like some object. Every house party thrown, she was the center of attention it seemed like. None of them were genuine and she hated it. Those vague remarks was what she heard on the daily and as she got older, the more intense they became.

Patronizing was what it felt like. Always being fawned over and adored. there was no merit to her looks and even if she was deemed the goddess of beauty, all those praises bounced off her in a heartbeat.

It was tiring, truly and only when her mom told her that she was her beautiful little girl, did those words make her heart swell. It was only then when she would indulge in the comments.

But after her death even the smallest enchantment would make her heart ache. So she had to put on armor. She used her beauty in a way of a weapon. Like a double edge sword, her vanity also became her vain.

Those petty and modest words fueled her. She never used them to be bratty or rude but they came in handy when she needed something to go her way. At first it felt weird and a little gross but soon she became numb to it.

No matter what she did, she couldn’t accept the fact that she was truly elegant.


It was a quiet day at the guild and the fire mage and celestial wizard were enjoying the summer sun underneath the shade of a near by tree. She had a book open and was jotting down ideas about a new chapter when he looked towards her and stopped.

“You’re beautiful.” He said calmly out of the blue.

It took her a moment to register his words and her eyes had widened greatly.

“W-what?” She stuttered and wondered if she heard him right. She knew he was blunt but she didn’t think he was at this level of just blurting out his feelings.

“I mean it. You’re strong and confident and your hair shines in the sunshine. And your eyes.” He grabbed her hand and she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. “They light up when ever you are happy and turn into the prettiest green I’ve ever seen, like an emerald.”

“Oh.” Her eyes went to the book and then slowly back to his. “Thank you.” She gushed and tucked a stand of hair behind her ear.

For the first time in years she felt worthy of a compliment. She wasn’t in some oversize expensive gown or had make up caked on her face. There was no gimmick or falseness, just the real her. It made her feel loved and she remembered all the times it disgusted her. Overwhelmed with the confession, her grasp tightened around her book.

Tears welded in her eyes as her hand cupped his cheek. Almost by habit, he pressed into her hand.

“Aw don’t cry Luce, I’m sure you’re used to hearing that.” He frowned with a small blush spread on his face.

Her head shook as she scooted closer. Something deep within her had blossomed, like remembering something you used to love as a child. It was a simple praise one she knew didn’t matter before, but in this moment it meant more to her than all the gifts in her previous life.

“But it means something so much more coming from you.” She whispered before closing the gap and kissing him softly.

There was something miraculous about the way their lips fell together. Like a breath of fresh air or just a glimmer of what they had been missing out on.

“Wow.” He blushed as they pulled away.

A small laugh bubbled from her as his eyes were wide and a giant smile was plastered on his face.

“If I knew that was gonna happen, I would have said that ages ago.”

Another laugh came from her lips and she laid her head against his shoulder softly.

“Maybe I am beautiful after all.” She thought to herself.

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